A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

After an initial test period, the 'Have You Missed...?' selection on the Front Page has now been rolled out to include nominations from the Community. Each week, five existing entries in the Edited Guide will be selected, based on the nominations of the Community, and repromoted on the Front Page. Full details can be found on the 'Have You Missed...?' (A793910) page. Not so much a 'Last Chance to See' as 'Classics Revisited'...

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 2

random fat bird


Oooooh, pretty!

Good idea really. I thinksmiley - smiley

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 3

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

whats the betting the first 5 picks will be about sex?

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 4

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

smiley - laugh

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 5

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Have you all run out of favourites already?

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 6


Voted smiley - ok

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 7


Funny, that was supposed to have had the link in it smiley - erm

Oh well try again, F95011?thread=200526 smiley - ok

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I see betting and sex in one sentence
looks like a british profile smiley - bigeyes

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 9

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

No sex please, we're British!!
smiley - laugh

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 10

SchrEck Inc.

Great! smiley - ok

I've already recommended two of my personal favourites (shameless plug). smiley - smiley

SchrEck Inc.

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 11

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

Which ones?
Saves me looking at the front page!!
smiley - biggrin

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 12


smiley - smiley

As long as my article on David Dickinson gets a bit more attention I'm not complaining!
smiley - pumpkin


6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 13

SchrEck Inc.

It's 'Life of a Wannabe Writer' (A531820) and 'The Perils of Amateur Dramatic Stage Lighting' (A701047) smiley - bigeyes

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 14

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

I see (I think!)
Will check them out later
smiley - biggrin

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 15


You Brits should know that in Oz our talkback radio etc. is filled with soul searching over our (embarrassing) Games success compared to our apparent non success in uni standing & "matters of the mind". smiley - blush
My opinion is that it's very gratifying to see us cut down ourselves as tall popies. Maybe there's hope for us yet! smiley - winkeye

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 16

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Can I suggest changing the instructions slightly? Obviously people have the choice of whether to subscribe to the page or not, but it would be useful if we could tell from the title in our conversation thingys that it's a "have you missed" nomination rather than a new conversation. What about asking researchers to use a heading like "HYM?: NAME OF ENTRY HERE"? Waddya think?

Otto smiley - fish

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 17


I'm not sure about how this nomination thing is supposed to work. Do we get one vote each, or can we vote for any entry we think deserves nomination?

Also, if the former, what about when an entry you nominate, or agree with the nomination of, gets 'picked', i.e. do we get to vote again?

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 18


You get to vote and nominate for as many entries as you like - what is rather bad form is if you vote multiple times for the same entry. smiley - smiley

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 19

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Just so long as you start a new thread for each individual entry you'd like to nominate, you can vote for as many as you want.

smiley - bubbly


6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 20

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

What if you have multiple researcher personalities?

A gadget to count the number of posts per user-number might be possible, but using the email or IP adres might go a bit far.

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