A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 41


*pulls the wall away from Bossel to test several gravitational things he's heard*

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 42

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

* topples over and knocks head against floor *

Was that what you were trying to test? smiley - winkeye

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 43

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

* topples over and knocks head against floor *

Was that what you were trying to find out? smiley - winkeye

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 44


smiley - cdouble

Erm... no... honestly smiley - smiley

smiley - run

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 45


Re posts 39 and 40

Sir Bossel,
If and when researchers visit (and post) via the A page (rather than a thread window) there are *no* red buttons /led's whatever, only *Click here to see more converations*, which I guess is a much neglected link smiley - silly

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 46

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

this is true, but should only catch newbies, not some old hare like yours truly smiley - erm

6 August 2002: 'Have You Missed...' Feature Opened Up to Community

Post 47

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

um, think that translates as 'old crow' into english smiley - smiley

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