A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 21

Jim Lynn

Pheloxi - have you looked at this page? A691058

It allows you to set up a button in your IE toolbar to swap the skin of a page.

Any use?

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 22

Mark Moxon

Just leave off the bit before the Fxxx, Axxx or whatever, like this:


Simple! smiley - smiley

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 23

Mark Moxon

"Mark ,,you swee know what I mean!"

Sorry, pheloxi, I genuinely have no idea what you were saying there... smiley - erm

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 24


Hi Pheloxi*

People are politely pointing out to you that this is not a bug. A bug is a defect in the code or routine of a program.

You've explained your difficulty and made a feature request in the Design Feedback area, which is indeed the right place to discuss readability. Thanks for making those comments! smiley - ok

We've taken note of your concerns about the readability of the site from the standpoint of a visually impaired user, and we've relayed them to the web design team at the BBC. We do listen to our community, but we just can't solve all problems immediately. smiley - sadface

If you'd like to add any *new* points to the comments that you've already made in the original conversation in the Design Feedback area at
F47998?thread=165088 please add them there; we're happy to come along and discuss them with you.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 25

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Ah! smiley - cheers Mark!

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 26

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

...and smiley - cheers phloxi! (missed your post at the bottom of the last page initially)

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 27

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

on 5 february I posted this


none of editors reacted! I have right to feel ignored

Mark read posting

Jim welcome back
I reacted on that already and was ignored again!
I said that I should not some kind of "gagdet" to read pages it should be build in the pages.

to editors:
I have over 4 years of internet experience and next to it I have feeling for design.

anticipate with human brain and prevent things from happening.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 28

Mark Moxon


29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 29


so Frames users are being hung out to dry smiley - sadface

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 30


Can I just say...

Many thanks to Jim and to everyone on his team for putting so much hard work and effort into getting DNA 1.01 up and running.

Jim's amazing; he only came out of hospital on Monday following his major operation, and he's back on site already. He's working from home of course, running the technical team from bed. Or at least you're supposed to be in bed, aren't you Jim? smiley - ill

Thanks Jim. smiley - cheerup

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 31


YAY!!! smiley - biggrin

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 32


*starts to agree with what he's heard about Editors and unsubscribing*

Not trying to incite revolt or anything...

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 33


smiley - sigh

It's after 7pm on a very long day. Can we just drop it? It's raining negative posts at the moment and I haven't got an umbrella.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 34


I still think its unfair that frames users are being abandoned - and if a tag doesn’t work with part of the site it is a bug in my book smiley - sadface

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 35


*passes Peta an umbrella and shuts up*

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 36



I've posted this a bug report (not a feature request)F48000?thread=186672

nice umbrella Peta smiley - winkeye

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 37



29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 38



And that 'Make it GOO!' thing is pretty cool Jim. Just needed a bit of modification to suit my (Alabaster) needs. It can go with my auto-poster in my links bar...

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 39

Jim Lynn

It's really useful - I've now got four of them for various different skin-changing purposes.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 40


*does some multiplication for a while*

smiley - huh

Really? How do you get four? From what I can see:

Alabaster --> Goo
Goo --> Alabaster

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