Make It Goo!

2 Conversations

Tired of having your senses assulted by porcelain-white pages when you follow links from forums? Tired of those thoughtless people who leave hard-wired skin names in URLs? We have the answer.

It's a simple javascript gadget that will convert any alabaster h2g2 page into its Goo version in one click. Put it in your links bar so it's always there.


These instructions work for Internet Explorer 5. Similar tricks will probably work for other browsers. Suck it and see.

  • In the IE address bar, type the following:
    • javascript:{var s; s=location.href; location.href=s.replace(/\/alabaster\//i,'/classic/');}

  • In the blank area in the address bar just to the left of what you just typed, click your mouse and hold down the mouse button, then drag it to your links bar and place it where you want among your links.

  • A new link is created. Right-click over it and choose 'Rename' and call it 'Make It Goo!'

  • That's it: Now you simply click on this button in the links bar whenever you get a page coming up in alabaster.

And if you prefer Alabaster to Goo, just swap round the references to 'classic' and 'alabaster' in the javascript.

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