A Conversation for Make It Goo!


Post 1

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I've set up a bookmarklets page with my h2g2 bookmarklets, and I wondered if I could use this one (giving due credit of course smiley - smiley).

I also tryed to make this a general purpose skin switcher, that is, one bookmarklet to switch goo to ala or ala to goo. Here's the code:

javascript:{var s; var a; s=location.href; a=s.match("/alabaster/"); if(a){ location.href=s.replace(/\/alabaster\//i,'/classic/');} else{location.href=s.replace(/\/classic\//i,'/alabaster/');

My browser (Opera 5 for Mac) doesn't like it. Any idea why?

-Spike A.


Post 2

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Almost forgot the entry smiley - smiley


-Spike A.


Post 3

Jim Lynn

You can put it on your page if you like.

You should reduce the size of your textarea, by the way - it's too wide for 1024x768 so people with 800x600 would have no hope.

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