A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 1

Mark Moxon

DNA 1.01 (see <./>Versions-DNA-1-01</.&gtsmiley - winkeye was deployed onto the servers this morning, and all the relevant documentation should be available now. Many thanks to Paul at BBC Technology for performing the upgrade, and the h2g2 Technical Team for creating it in the first place.

Please report any bugs to the Bug Reports page at <./>Feedback-Bugs</.>, or we may miss them. Many thanks!

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 2


Well Done smiley - biggrin


It is a pity the new tags don't sem to work wiv a frames/goo combination smiley - erm

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 3

Frankie Roberto

Oh and is the content in the new tags suppossed to show up when previewing?

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 4

Mark Moxon

I can't remember, to be honest. smiley - erm It'd be best to try to forget what we talked about on the dev server; the published bugs and feature lists here are all that matter now, and it's been so long since testing that I've pretty much forgotten what we fixed and what we didn't!

So if something looks like it's missing, let me know there and I'll put it in the pot. Or I'll forget (and that's a promise! smiley - winkeye).

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the biggest bug is still there see F47998?thread=165088

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 6

Frankie Roberto

Can't see a bug in there...

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 7


Me neither, do you just mean you still don't like the way we have the skin in the URL?

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 8

Jim Lynn

The new tags aren't supposed to work in frames. They work in Goo in single page mode, though. I'd recommend you switch if you want to make use of the new tags.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the skin name in the url forces some to watch it in other skin

the previous http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/U170113 did not have that
and was therefor not forcing anyone to read page in different way.

to name the skin in the url is going backwards in time

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 10

Frankie Roberto

You don't ever have to use the URL with the skin name in it. You can use U125489 on-site and http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/U125489 off-site, both of which load in the users prefered skin...

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 11

Mark Moxon

In other words, things haven't changed, and people putting in a skin name is no different from them appending ?skin=xxxx in the previous version.

So this isn't a bug, and there are feature requests in the pipeline to help deal with this. We are also hoping to introduce a Betsie-compliant version with the next skin, which should help.

But calling this a bug isn't fair, as it's not one.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 12


post 2 of this thread is though smiley - erm

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 13


As Jim said, no it's not.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 14

Jim Lynn

Nope. This feature was never intended to work with frames. The new h2g2 skin won't use frames either. No other DNA site uses frames. So there's no immediate plan to extend the functionality of these tags to frames. If we did, it'd be a feature request, not a bug.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 15

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

think Roberto! you have no idea how anoying it is!


by removing it you will let people watch their own chosen skin!

sorry Roberto,
but some webdesigner do not any research about this kind of things.
webdesigner do not look at visualabilty and useability

I have sent over 300 e-mails this to different companies.
do you know how many reacted?
about 10%
do you know how many websites still around from 300?
about 50 %
do you know how many changed?
about 10%

I am sorry, but I lost exact figures!

about start a consulting firm
to improve visualabilty and useability of websites

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 16

Mark Moxon

Hey pheloxi, if you put this link somewhere on your Space (or indeed click it here):


then clicking it will take you into h2g2 within Betsie.

Now can we stop this discussion here, please, as this is off-topic and this is an announcement, which means no bug reports, no feature requests, and no capitals. Thanks.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 17

Mark Moxon

Or perhaps not. smiley - sadface It's giving me timeout errors. Ah well, I tried.

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 18

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I am sorry Mark, but I have feeling that I am not taken seriously!

betsie does not work for me
.. too dark
.. too anoyingly different

Mark you are not listeing either!

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 19

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

I don't wish to be drawn into this debate particularly, but could someone tell me how to use the new links system? It passes me by when it was introduced & I am forever being berated by the alabasterphobic for posting things like: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F77636?thread=186642&latest=1 I know I can cut out the alabaster/ but I usually forget. How do I get just the important bit?

29 May 2002: DNA 1.01 Deployed At Last

Post 20

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Mark ,,you swee know what I mean!

Ugi post like this
155?thread=15586642" >F77636?thread=186642&latest=1

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