A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 121

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Oh, yeah, cookies! How 'bout it, Jim? Safe, or too far?

Also, is it possible to have that line of javascript in the s of DNA pages? No, never mind, then multiple windows would confuse the browser. Drat. Any other ideas?

-Spike A.

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 122

Jim Lynn

Cookies? Not really. There's an upper limit on cookies, and the BBC sets quite a few different ones.

I'm sure there's better ways of handling it...

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 123

the Shee

smiley - yikes
Are you, or are you not, in England? And if you are, then why are you at work so late? *Go home* Jim!

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 124

Jim Lynn

I *am* home. Just finished watching Buffy and Angel, and thought I'd play around with Opera.

I'll be going to bed soon, though.

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 125

the Shee


Then I'll rephrase it:
Why are you still *at work* at 1 am? smiley - winkeye

smiley - smiley

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 126

Jim Lynn

This is *working*?

How come I don't get paid for it, then?

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 127

the Shee

I would rather be paid to do what you do than what I do.

(You just answered a technical question! smiley - laugh)

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 128

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Which "Buffy"? I just watched Series 6 Ep. 13, "Dead Things"... Quite amusing, but I bet it won't make it to the BBC uncut... smiley - bat

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 129

Jim Lynn

'All The Way' - Season 6 episode 6.

And as for the BBC cutting it (or Sky for that matter) I just have to wait for the DVDs. (Although I haven't bought S3 on DVD yet, because I'm waiting for WH Smith to do another 'buy one get one half price' deal to get them cheap).

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 130

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Hey, why not join the Opery User's Group? smiley - smiley

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 131

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Hey, why not join the Opera User's Group? smiley - smiley

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 132

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Jim, make sure you have a good sound system set up for the next one - "Once More, With Feeling" is the best of the series so far... smiley - ok

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 133

Jim Lynn

I'm looking forward to it. smiley - smiley

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 134

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

smiley - musicalnoteThey got... the mustard...out! smiley - musicalnote

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 135


This tool is all very nice and that, indeed I have it on my desktop at work all the time. But what I'm worried about is this: Won't it help turn h2g2 into more of a chatroom rather than a collaborative guide? I mean, it's taking the focus away from the sharing of information to chatting to other people (which I realise is also a sharing of a kind). Which is all very well, but I though h2g2 wasn't about that.I know since the popupconversation tool was launched my evolution entry has gone untouched.

For a quick reminder of DNA's vision for the site see A550955.

I feel a little awkward saying all this so be kind in your responses. I don't make a habit of criticising h2g2, mainly because I love this site so much.


Stesmiley - stout

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 136

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

A good and valid point, but, on the contrary, I feel that this gadget will speed up actual Guide work as much as it will pure community fun. I think it already has.

-Spike A. smiley - smiley

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 137


I agree on the community-fun front totally. Why will it speed up the Guide front though?

Stesmiley - stout

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 138

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I think it helps speed PR along.

-Spike A.

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 139


Hm, I can see your point. Not convinced thought smiley - winkeye

Stesmiley - stout

1 February 2002: New POPUPCONVERSATIONS Gadget Launched :)

Post 140


Hm, I can see your point. Not convinced though smiley - winkeye

Stesmiley - stout

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