A Conversation for Cheese, Why It's Better Than You And Everything Else

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 121

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Hmmmmm. The blue pills dear take the blue pills (no matrix references please. Unless you have already offered a genuine form of payment, your life is in clear mortal danger, or you really, really want to).
I knew you still loved me!!! (don't tell mike! would do cheeky grinny smiley but cannot remember the ML for it!)

Hang on I cant remember any guide ML

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 122

Yael Smith

You mean smiley - biggrin
As in : - D?
Tell me what you don't remember and I'll help.
And I ran out of the smiley - blue pills, so....um.... I don't know, but it must mean something.smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug Good to have you back.

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 123

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

I can't remember anything so I may well have to enslave you for my own dark purposes. Thanks for the offer!!! I should read up on it (again!).
Its great to be back, I've missed you guys.

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 124

Yael Smith

So did we- haven't had good entertainment in months!smiley - smiley
What do you need?

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 125

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

More than happy to provide you with hours of joy and entertainment.
Oh dear, and you a married woman and all. I'm bad.smiley - devil
If you could teach me how to do everything!? (I had to even look up the smily!) So I can start producing articles again. I feel a democratic anarchy2 coming on, once my work load has decreased sufficiently.
I would be more than happy for you to help with the ML for it. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - loveblush

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 126

Yael Smith

You can write it in plain text and I can add the ML on it and then send you the whole thing so it's in an entry under your name (how fun is it being friends with an ex-sub-ed?smiley - winkeye) or you can ask what you don't know and I'll tell you, or I can edit it for you, and it would be in both our names. It's really up to you.

smiley - hug How are you?
If you're interested in my writing and edditing style- have a look at my space, 'specially the entries, specifically the Hugs entry which I co-wrote and tell me what you think.

Make it never stop!

Post 127


cheese vs. fridges, but how about cheese vs. The Fridge

Make it never stop!

Post 128

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

This is an interesting idea...

I'm sure cheese shall be triumphant however.

Make it never stop!

Post 129


If you use the new guide skin (Brunel) Common smileys are clickable, as is ML in a guide entry writing bit.
smiley - biggrin

Make it never stop!

Post 130

Yael Smith

Hmmmm... but it's ugly smiley - erm

Make it never stop!

Post 131


Well, I like it.

Make it never stop!

Post 132

Yael Smith

Looks like an 80's refugee...smiley - erm

Make it never stop!

Post 133

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

I don't like it either, I like my traditional nice blue skin, so there!
Alabaster sucks also.

Make it never stop!

Post 134


I'm not Vicky. But I'm sat next to her. You can sweat cheese. And....I wasn't allowed to take it to Belgium, so it might not actually be easier to get through customs than semtex. But possibly a little bit easier....unless in America....it seems quite easy....

Make it never stop!

Post 135

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

That would probably be due to the foot and mouth crisis. Also Belgium stores all of the exceptions to rules so anything can happen. Me and Covert escaped however!
And yes cheese does administer hot shoe leather (replete with steel toe-caps) to belgiums helpless posterior. Them and all the nations of earth.
So there.

Make it never stop!

Post 136

Yael Smith


Make it never stop!

Post 137

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Nothing can stop cheese. But it hasn't taken over the world to set up an evil dictatorship yet because it's too nice!!!!

Thats just how damn good it is!!!!


Make it never stop!

Post 138

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Nothing can stop cheese. But it hasn't taken over the world to set up an evil dictatorship yet because it's too nice!!!!

Thats just how damn good it is!!!!


Make it never stop!

Post 139

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh This is abit dogmatic with you, eh, Someone?smiley - winkeye

Make it never stop!

Post 140

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

And lo didst the almighty cheese extend it's benevolent hand to the brothers and the sisters...
There didst they, the sons of the sons of the sons, of they who didst live in the valley, say unto the Cheese. Hail for thou art our God.
Here endeth the lesson.

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Make it...eh...resume?

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