A Conversation for Cheese, Why It's Better Than You And Everything Else

it will never stop!!!

Post 41

Yael Smith

I assume you're the captain...smiley - winkeye
smiley - ok

it will never stop!!!

Post 42

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Sort of... Due to the fact that I'm two people I have two positions(not schizophrenia, really two people) I (covert Bob) am the combat pilot flight leuitenant, Big bad bolshevik bob is the captain.

it will never stop!!!

Post 43

Uncle Heavy [sic]

dig the name. im in

it will never stop!!!

Post 44

Yael Smith

smiley - laughYAY! I get to see UH naked!!! WOOHOO!!!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyes

it will never stop!!!

Post 45


Hi again... This is just to say that I can't post anything until Wednesday the 17th - I'm away on holiday for a few days. See you all then smiley - biggrin


it will never stop!!!

Post 46

Uncle Heavy [sic]

why do yyou want to see me naked?

it will never stop!!!

Post 47

Yael Smith

Um... smiley - blush No reason... smiley - smiley

it will never stop!!!

Post 48

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you are happily engaged

it will never stop!!!

Post 49


Incidentally... Did this entry ever get submitted to the post?


it will never stop!!!

Post 50

Yael Smith

I think not...smiley - erm
And yes, I'm happily engaged. SO?

it will never stop!!!

Post 51


...and does anyone know what's become of Someone Else You Know? Neither Bob has posted anything for almost a week.

smiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - star

it will never stop!!!

Post 52

Yael Smith

I haven't seen him. Maybe he's making a silent revolution?smiley - erm

Make it never stop!

Post 53

mingum, keeper of words made up by small children

first, are you absolutley *sure* that cheese will not evolove into a sentient being and destroy its makers?

only i've got a large lump of gorgonzola in my fridge that my partner bought because it was reduced and therefor a *bargain*, which has been there some time, and i'm starting to worry.

second, bad things about cheese: it makes you fat, and is alleged to cuase nightmares if eaten late at night. smiley - sadface

Make it never stop!

Post 54


Both Bobs are having their half term at the moment and so have no free internet access and lots of work to do. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. They'll probably be back next week.

Make it never stop!

Post 55

Uncle Heavy [sic]

thats a bad thing? but i like cheese dreams

Make it never stop!

Post 56


Cheese Rules.
Cool article/entry/cheesething.

Make it never stop!

Post 57

mingum, keeper of words made up by small children

you LIKE cheese dreams??????

why can't you just imbibe hallucenogenic drugs like a normal person!!!
smiley - winkeye

Make it never stop!

Post 58


But weird dreams are fun! smiley - silly


Make it never stop!

Post 59

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i would i would, but i dont have any, see? i live in a very sheltered world

Make it never stop!

Post 60

Yael Smith

I never have cheese dreams- what are they like?smiley - bigeyes

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