A Conversation for Cheese, Why It's Better Than You And Everything Else

Make it never stop!

Post 101

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

They could study cheese instead.

Make it never stop!

Post 102

Yael Smith

Are dairy products considered a science?smiley - bigeyes

Make it never stop!

Post 103

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

They'd have to be or the geology students wouldn't have anything to do.

Make it never stop!

Post 104


The study of cheese is a most onnerable persuit and vocation.
Cheese represents all that is good and the destony of al cheese must be for the greater good of mankind.
Most probably, obviously.

Make it never stop!

Post 105


How about Cheese Vs Black Denim Jeans? Black denim jeans are surely the hottest fashion accessory this side of Andromeda . If you tried to wear cheese you'd get stuck to seats and peolple and things that you might not like.

Make it never stop!

Post 106


You could extend this to other undeniably cool fashion accessories, such as V.long black leather coats, black leather boots...the colour black? Leather? Denim?

Make it never stop!

Post 107


Ooh, I was so close to disagreeing with the black denim, but I had to leave and pack my bag for a wind-band competition I was going to. A rather nice guy sitting in front of me in the bus (I'm not naming him, his best friend's on H2G2) was wearing black jeans. You have my full support, fluorescent. smiley - winkeye

smiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - star

Make it never stop!

Post 108

Yael Smith

Blue denim for this gal, as long as they're tight!
And Someone- try cheese Vs. Tuna.smiley - winkeye

Make it never stop!

Post 109

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Black denim jeans may the hottest fashion accesory this side of andromeda but what about everywhere else??? Answer me that! Also the comments you made are obviously directed at BBBB's "dress sense" as you described pretty much his whole wardrobe. Well you should learn (and pretty damned quick) the BBBB's is not obsessed with petty material things such as clothes. His is concerned more with the important things in life, like err... CHEESE! So you can take your black denim jeans and stuff them up your explitive.

And as for tuna. Can you imagine a cod sandwhich? What about plaice, or haddock? That would be terrible wouldn't it? Tuna like salmon, is fish trying to be an appetising sandwhich filler. And its succeding. Fish was never ment to be in sandwhiches. This deception must end! Down with tuna fish sandwhiches. Especially with cucumber! Long live Cheese. All hail cheese.
Covert Bob, sipping a dry martini
(shaken, not stirred).

Attractive guy? On a bus? In black denim jeans? Who's best friend is on the guide? Thats me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big Bad Bolsheik Bob (unable to aford martini but commiserating over a large whiskey)

Make it never stop!

Post 110


smiley - yikes *Frantically hoping that Bob's meaning a different bus* That's a scary amount of punctuation you're using...

And yes, down with tuna and cucumber sandwiches!


Make it never stop!

Post 111

Yael Smith

I agree completely with the Tuna bit, I hate all fish.smiley - yuk
Just wanted to know what you had to say about it.smiley - winkeye

Make it never stop!

Post 112


Up with cheese.
down with black rubber dresses...
smiley - smiley and back to searching nighthoover smiley - wahsmiley - wah hmm, clothes made from cheese? smiley - biggrin

Make it never stop!

Post 113


OOOHHH! Get out the metaphrical handbags and lets have a girly slappy fight! No need to get catty C.B., if that was you who wrote to me and if it was BBBB then you my darling are in for serious ickiness of the icky variety, if you get my drift.

Make it never stop!

Post 114


I don't know what you are talking of.
But, I do know that clothes made from cheese are incredibably practicle; use something smelly, like Stilton, on those ocassions when you don't want people you don't like coming too close.
Works every time.
And, cheese necklaces; now there's hot fassion, and then there are cheese necklaces.
I rest my cheese.
smiley - cheese

Make it never stop!

Post 115

the Mighty Frankfurter


starting to get a little bit obscure now!
But right on for standing up for cheese. A friend and myself had a cheese fight once, a five kilo block of cheddar each and last man standing was the winner(with the strongest stomach).
Only so many toasted sandwiches one person can take in one day, especially with Worcestershire Sauce... mmmmmmmmmm...!!!

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 116

Yael Smith

BBBB? Someone You Know? Anyone?
Where are you guys?smiley - bigeyes

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 117

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

We are back and ready to rock.

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 118

Yael Smith

How 'bout rolling?smiley - bigeyes
smiley - hugWelcome back!

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 119

Someone You Know(GrandHighMaster Of All Things Unsanitary And In Need Of A Good Clean Before The Neighbours Come Round)

Hey you. Someone still loves us!!! Pass the word around. The man (and the other man) is back (are for the pluralistic version for the pedantic) I feel guilty for leaving you on your own but have been fighting the good fight for the revolutionary forces of the world!

We nearly stormed....


Well its a start. Oh various colourful expletives I can't remember smilies... or any guide ML.

Sweet merciful Jesus help me!!!
This is worse than when the FBI had us holed up in that shack in the rockies for switching GW Bush's favourite brand of Sesame street toothpaste for a cheap home brand with less colourful pictures. Nearly causing the downfall of the U.S for sure (he wouldn't come out of the bathroom until it was switched back.
Luckily we fought back by stampeding inbred rednecks in the general direction of the SWAT team.

Oh god have to go and get food then learn things. But will be back in a few short thingies.

Make it...eh...resume?

Post 120

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh

::Waits impatiently for the short thingies to pass by::

::Long thingies get in the frame::
smiley - crossOi! You!! Yes, you, the long thingies! Outta de way! You're blocking the way for the short thingies!smiley - grr

::Long thingies run away::

smiley - puff Trust the FBI to do something right.....
smiley - yikes

smiley - blush Oopsie!

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