A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 201

Ahmed (The lone defender!)

T'mershi, u r a bit late on that "Norwegian" thing.
And as I sit on real Norwegian wood, in a Norwegian town, typing on a Norske keyboard, peering through French frames at my ruffled Japanese half kimono, while listening to good music from the US of A, streaming thru' a "box" from Singapore; and smiling (ocassionally) at an Israeli girl...... well, the word hate sure sounds out of tune here.

I think we are agreed on one point. We dont hate America, just some folks in govt who make bad decisions and contradict themselves every third month or so.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 202

Ahmed (The lone defender!)

Hey LOOn

Y'day I told a friend that OBL can live to a ripe age in the mid-east, indeed anywhere. If he threw on a veil.... like Salman Rushdie did, who will stop a Muslim woman in a predominantly muslim society?

Gone missing? Who knew where he was anyway?

But the US and the allies will stil drop expensive bombs on ruins of course! smiley - smiley

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 203

Ahmed (The lone defender!)

And its 10:20pm Sunday night in Norway.
Just had some smiley - fish for dinner!

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 204


smiley - yikes Perhaps my last post was misunderstood. My point was not that other countries do not have free press. All having free press as we may, my point was that we must, as "bright people", as Loonytoons suggests, "separate the wheat from the chaff" for ourselves. Blaring headlines and sensational stories are not all to be believed.

The worrisome truth is that although the press in so many countries is not controlled by their respective governments, it is controlled by the advertisers who sponsor it. As someone else mentioned, a wonderful crumudgeonly show was nearly cancelled this week because some advertizers thought americans shouldn't hear that sort of talk!!! Fortunately someone did the right thing and put the show on anyway.

Discussion is good. Making inflamatory statements just to get a rise out of people is less useful.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 205

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Ahmed, read your mail. I left a message on your home space the other day. It's entitled "More on Milk" smiley - smiley

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 206

T´mershi Duween

Well Ahmed!

Yes "Hate" is a strong word, but I think that´s one of the keywords in this discussion.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 207

T´mershi Duween

And as it seems like I have this space to myself at the momet I might as well rave on.

How absurd can this thing get.Now they ban music from the air, even here in Denmark. Such as Leonard Cohen : First we take Manhattan,John Denver (JOHN DENVER!!!) : Leaving on a jetplane, Talking Heads : Burning down the house, Roxette : Crash boom bang,even some all danish songs are being taken off air over here so as not to disturb peoples feelings.

These are strange and worrying times we live in, and it´s only just begun.

Is this a victory for the attackers?

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 208

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...


I understand your point and yes no doubt this was a minority, extremist view reported by a sensationalist press, however was not some moron arested after killing an Indian and various other asian/ middle eastern people who seemed to think that he was a 'patriot'. Perhaps we should be holding the press responsible for this? No doubt a person of his immense mental ability would believe everything he saw on tv (not being able to read the papers on his own yet...)


I saw that thing aboutthe music. All rage against the machine songs were banned. My question is when was the last time any of the stations that received the directive played one of their songs anyway...

All People Don't hate, Only a few, Politics are such crummy things....

Post 209



I think this topic has thourghly been stomped into the dust,.. sorry if that wording offens anyone, Well, since ive read every posting on this thread, i think i will retire my self from it,

Thank you all for your honest opinions. I have a better veiw of the world then i did when i came here. and so, enjoy your debate, Im off............

*strolls off in search of a happier note*

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 210

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The "best" headline I've seen was in a New Zealand magazine.

New World Disorder

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 211

Ahmed (The lone defender!)

Yes, its a victory i think. We are now so afraid we suspect everything. Even music! Since hen did music make us fly planes into buildings?


Why do people hate Americans?

Post 212



I am amazed by your hate and putdowns of Americans (intelligence, everything) every chance you get. It seems that you have a very virulent strain. Out of curosity what occurred that you hate so much. I suspect that you were once from the US?

Why do people hate Americans?

Post 213

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Researcher 185052, why don't you update your user space and adopt a user-name. Most people, me included, dislike talking to cyphers.

Now, once you've managed all that, read Post 184 out loud. Better still write it down. Chances are that will help your comprehension of the points discussed in it.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 214

T´mershi Duween

Following the thread on music.

Flogging a dead horse in other words:

Could turn out that Frank Zappa was horribly brightsighted when he did his trilogy on surpression of free speach, Joes Garage/Thing Fish/FZ meets the Mothers Of Prevention.?

Why do people hate Americans?

Post 215



Fair enough I shall rename myself other than 185052. I have reread post 184 and quite a few other posts. You have been very busy with many posts. I understand what is written and your tone. It is ok to disagree with the policies of my country. I don't agree with many of them myself. That is why I vote to change them.

However take it from a poorly educated ignorant American (whose ancestry is afro american and native american), I at least understand it when you are calling me stupid.

I happen to agree with many of the issues brought up in post 184 but I also see that many of the researchers turn a blind eye to many of their own countries bad decisions and actions throughout history. Example many of those researchers who for example point to Discrimination with afro americans and native americans in the US fail to point out the systems of discrimination in New Zealand with the indigenous Maori peoples.

It is always easier to point someone's else faults than to review your own.

Why do people hate Americans?

Post 216

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

185502, if you check out the World Audit web site you will find that New Zealand ranks Number One on both the Democracy and Civil Rights tables.

Now the history lesson. Maori are not indigenous to New Zealand. Approximately 800 years ago they were the original immigrants/settlers. Uniquely amongst peoples colonised by Britain, Maori were bright enough to negotiate a treaty that guaranteed their property rights etc (1840). This treaty is still honoured today. Later immigrants, in the main, have been bright enough to not discriminate against Maori.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 217

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hello, IDIC.. I agree so much about "free press" - advertisers are as big a danger as governments. smiley - zen Unfortunately, inflammatory statements are flying around like shrapnel right now. smiley - rocket

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 218

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I received an email yesterday which stated that the shot of the Palestinians celebrating the recent events was actually old footage (91?) from the gulf war and they were actually celebrating the liberation of Kuwait.

Now if this is true (i can't tell you either way as yet) what does that say about the 'free press' smiley - sadface

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 219

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Linus, apparently the email is a hoax. Check out the CNN Exposed thread.

Della, as with other professionals, journalists (in all countries) have a code of conduct (ethics). The code invariably contains something similar to the following paragraph which comes from the United Kingdom code.

"A journalist shall not lend himself/herself to the distortion or suppression of the truth because of advertising or other considerations."

I suspect broadcasters do not follow/enforce the code as rigorously as the print media.

Why do some people hate Americans?

Post 220



> I suspect broadcasters do not follow/enforce the code as rigorously as the print media.

Citing my most favorite movie:

"Who's been naive, Kay?"

Have a look into "The first casualty" by Knightley if you want more details.

Best regards.


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