Magicians Guild: The Schools of Magic

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There are seven types of Magician that can be found in the Magicians Guild: Necromancers, Elementalists, Warriors, Scholars, Caretakers, Healers and Illusionists.

Whilst a magic-user may be able to cast rudimentary spells in many schools, they keep the main of their studies to the school in which they have the greatest talent.

    The School of Necromancy

    This school is thought of by many - most - people as dark and suspicious. High Necromancer, Lady Alicia Brymn, has written more detailed information on the arts of the necromancer in this treatise:

    Click here to see her advice.

    The School of Elementalism

    This school concerns the application and modification of the elements - namely water, wind, earth, and fire. There are minor elements such as sonic, and lightning, that can be wielded.

    The elements can be used in offence, or defence, depending on the will of the caster.

    In addition to the pure spellcasting aspect of the school, there is also Alchemy. Elementalists can used potions in conjunction with their magic to research and create different compounds, for whatever use they require.

    High Elementalist, Lady Shaylar Kareen, has written this more detailed explanation of the elements involved in Elemental magic.

    The School of the Warrior

    Magicians who are not content with their magic alone often become Warriors. They are highly honed fighters as well as magic-users, and often combine their talents together to turn themselves into killing machines.

    A Warrior's magic is not used in battle as much as with other Magicians. For a Warrior, preparation is key, and as such they favour enchanting weaponry and items over casting actual spells in battle. Elandra Pawel, once High Warrior, wrote more information on the enchantment of weapons, and this can be found here.

    The School of Scholars

    Scholars are the Pure Mages of the Guild. Rather than using their magic to influence the world in some way they focus on the art of manipulating the very energy that is magic. They are particularly skilled with spells that influence time and space, slowing down their opponents, or teleporting themselves short distances.

    Scholars are also the only School that occasionally use wands or other items to focus their magic powers. This is due to the fact that they need much more concentration and power to manipulate the large amounts of magic energy they use.

    The School of Caretakers

    Caretakers, as Lycan Wolsey states in this treatise on Caretaker magic, are concerned with the magic of life itself. They have a connection to the natural world unlike other Schools.

    They are often in opposition with Necromancers, which seems obvious, and Elementalists - as the latter affect the natural world often with no thought for how it may change things for creatures in that habitat.

    The School of Healing

    Lumien Swift, High Healer of the Magicians Guild, wrote this very informative article on Healing magic. It states that Healers have a responsibility above all others to nurture life, and as such are not permitted to use lethal magic.

    They are not, however, defenseless. They often are the only School that comes close to rivalling the Warriors in weapon proficiencies, as they have a striking need to physically defend themselves.

    The School of Illusion

    Illusionists concern themselves with the human mind. They are the best at telepathic communication, and unlike other Schools, Illusionists can affect a human mind as well, for better or for worse. They can work intricate displays, befuddling or impressing someone, or they can send out general images to many people.

    As their minds work differently, Orcs, Drow and other Dark Races are affected less by these illusions. However, higher level Illusionists can break through these racial barriers; all it takes is experience and concentration.

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