Necromancy (The Brown Mage)

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A necromancer is a specialist in poisons and death magic. That is to say we as necromancers can when the occasion is given raise the dead from their immortal slumber back into the realm of the living.

Poisons come in many shapes and forms there are many different examples and different effects that can be gained though the use of a poison, however poison lure is not meant to be taken lightly, it is not to be used mealy for fun or vengeance this will not help to restore the reputation of necromancers if we are seen as just poisoning every living thing in sight, and it will not be tolerated by the high necromancer unless you have a very, very good excuses so you have been warned.

Death arts:
The dead should remain dead; necromancy is not to be used to reduce the sanctity of life, or that of death. To raise the dead is a complicated skill and can take years to master, what is more while in the act of raising a formally dead person the necromancer is defenceless and therefore fair game for all enemy forces in the aria. To protect themselves a necromancer may use a diamond of protection spell, this however is not easy to cast and is of little use if you are fighting as it limits your movement to within the relatively small aria of the diamond, all within the diamond are safe from enemies however no force friend or foe can enter the diamond until it is dispelled.

The tools of a necromancer:
A necromancer must have a set of bells, these are not normal musical instruments and should Never be treated as such. There are six bells the awakener, and the Walker, are the best known (and I will write the names of the others once I look it up) there is also (name to be looked up) this is the largest bell and the most difficult to use, it will send back all of the lesser dead, any from the first four gates, but the grater dead may have a high resistance to it and so it could be useless, it is best to weaken the foe before trying this bell, there is one major drawback however, and that is that the bell is indiscriminate of who it sends back and many a ringer of the bell has been killed by the ringing of there own bell, it is only to be used as a last resort.
Also a bell holder in the form of a belt worn over one shoulder and across the chest is part of normal dress where. Bells of coarse are not the only defence of the necromancer against the living and the uncontrollable dead. Necromancers are permitted to carry a weapon of there choice, this should be kept with them at all times, and although the long sword would be the most practical, as it is easily used any weapon is good, and it has been known for other things to be used.

What did you mean the gates? :
Well, there are nine gates in the realm of the dead, the greater dead are sent beyond even the ninth gate, anything that manages to raise itself from the realms of death is a truly formidable opponent, the first four gates are of what is referred to in necromancy terms as the lesser dead, and indeed if a spirit has not yet passed even the first of the gates the thing may indeed be brought easily back to lead a full and free life.

Free life? :
Indeed it is to be explained that if the dead raised by a necromancer do go past the first of the gates then they cannot be sent back into a free life, they are truly dead things and can have no hope of life outside the control of a necromancer or other free magic spirit, The greater dead may occasionally gain strength enough to get back into the realm of the living however such occasions are very rare and such greater dead beings should be sent back to the realm of the dead as quickly as possible to prevent the deaths of innocents.

A free magic spirit:
Such spirits are very rare, Most have been magically tamed by necromancers or other powerful mages and due to this binding they are forced into a servitude until either they are freed by there captor or the captor meets there fate at which point so does the spirit. What where they in the first place? Well they were greater dead from beyond the ninth gate, so powerful that they could not be sent back into the realm of the dead and so they became what is known as free magic, these things are extraordinarily strong and can only be timed magically and even then only by someone of the high council, they should not be approached by a novice under any circumstances.

Why are Necromancers looked upon badly? :
Well due to the ability to raise those who should be dead, and their mastery of poison lure a necromancer finds it hard to blend in with the others in magic practice. Because there art is seen normally to cross the boundary between necessary magic for the good of the many to the arias of heartless medalling with things that mortals should not medal with, some suspect necromancers of working with the dark alliance in the past but no proof of this is has so far been found, but the rumour is enough to stop many people from taking up Necromancy as there chosen mastery.

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