A Guide to Caretaker Magic

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Caretakers are the magicians concerned with all living things. And in most ways are the complete opposite of the Necromancer. Whereas a Necromancer deals with the dead, the Caretaker deals with any and all living creatures. During times of peace they would normally be found at the stables or out in the wild, helping creatures.

Caretakers even at the most Apprentice level have can summon their familiar and are taught very early on how to share magic, although not life till much later in their careers.

Caretaker magic is split into the three categories:

  1. Speaking
  2. Strengthening
  3. Summoning

Apprentice Level Magic

Speaking: Apprentices start learning the basics of speaking to creatures, to very small like rats, field mice and to creatures similar to their familiar

Strengthening: learning to make plants grow and flourish

Summoning: Only small animals and then only with the aid of carvings. Although if their familiar is a small sized animal they might be able to summon a creature of the same type, but this will be extremely hard and impossible without a carving. Also taught how to unsummon a creature.

Has Basic combat training

Novice Level Magic

Speaking: At this level they will start to learn the languages of slightly bigger beasts* such as dogs, cats, as well as mules and horses for preparation of being awarded one at the next level

Strengthening: Start learning how to impress ideas upon animals so that they follow your control, as well empowering very small animals with more strength and energy. Causing plants such as vines to grow much faster than they were otherwise able to.

Summoning: still using the aid of animal carvings, but now the focus is on small animals such as cats, dogs, birds e.g. hawks, ravens, etc

Is given advanced combat training

Adept Level Magic

Speaking: Learns the languages of all the creatures they can summon upto and inculding this level

Strengthening: learn how to enforce your will upon a creature if you so wish, but if you fail it becomes enraged and attacks the caretaker. Being able to enrage a creature, driving it fierce, or likewise and being able calming it down. Empowering small creatures with strength and energy. Spells allowing trees to grow faster than they were able and making the vines strong enough to crush objects.

Summoning: Start learning the ability to summon Medium to Large creatures, wolves, bears, lions, tigers, giant eagles, and giant spiders. As well, the caretaker will be learning to summon more than one of the creatures at a time from the previous levels. Carvings are no longer needed to summon the smaller creatures, but still require them for larger animals.

Also learns from some of the other classes basic magic skills (healing, elemental, etc)

Elder level Magic

Speaking: Elders start learning archaic tongues of creatures once alive but now dead

Strengthening: Learns to strengthen other magicians, people, creatures of up to and including large size. Learns to share life with other creatures, animals, and plants as well as being able to transfer energy, sharing it between whole groups. Learns to help areas of forest to grow faster than normal.

Summoning: Carvings aren’t required by Elders. Elders learn to summon Guardian Forces, for example a giant horse being the guardian of a certain area of plains. Also learns to summon creatures long dead.

Also learns from some of the other classes more advanced magic skills from other classes

High Council level Magic

Speaking: High Council member learns the language of nature itself, and how it has progressed through the ages

Strengthening: Can cause a forest, animals, intelligent beings and self to grow or shrivel in size, muscle, energy etc.

Summoning: learns to summon elemental guardian forces* also learns to summon mutants from the abyss.


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