Elemental Magic

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As an Elementalist you will be able to control the elements of Fire, earth, water and air. Along with mastering the elements you will be tought alchemy, you will be able to add enchantments to metals to strengthen them or to be able to make them kill a specific member of the Dark Allience. Elemental magic can be used to attack or defend but with proper training you can control the weather to assist in the growing of crops


Mastering the power of the Earth will be your first lesson, trying not to harm the earth is most important unless you want to face the wrath of the caretakers. Earthquakes must only be used as a last resort, most Elementalists use minor Earth tremors or gollums to do what they have to


Water can be used in a variety of ways. Mastering control of water is easy as it is mainly used in conjuntion with other elements to create Hurricanes and Tsunami.


Air is the easiest element to control and the one most used in offensive spells and it is easier to blow your enemies down with wind. as you progress you will learn to create tornados and hurricanes. Air can also be used in a benevolent way for warmth and to help the millers.


This is the last lesson to be taught as it is the most destructive. Controlling fire is difficult as it takes a lot of power and energy, fire is a favoured weapon of Evil. Creating fire usually takes an incantation, an Elementalist must be in full control of a fire they have created, if it becomes unstable, it will consume whoever created it

The Weather

Once an Elementalist has reached a certain level of magic they will be able to control the weather, this includes creating snow, lightning, Thunder and freezing rain. A reation to cotrol of the weather is that it will react to the mood of the magician, if they are upset it will rain if they become angry thunder and lightning will strike.

Spell Casting

Learning incantations and spell casting is vital to strengthen you control of the elements. As mentioned Fire can only be created by casting a spell. The addition of herbs and other magical ingrediants will bind the element to your desire.


This is the Study of changing the structure of basic metals to create a metal suited to the task.
you cannot make Gold out of basic metal
You will be taught to add certain magical ingrediants and recite the appropriate incantation to the metal to give it certain magical properties. You cannot enchant metal, that is a skill for Warriors only.


Elemental magic has responsibilities attatched to it. You control Nature, she will work alongside you but if you try to master her she will become angry and lash out, treat Nature with the respect she deserves.

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