Healer Magicians

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Healer Magicians are the support system of the Magicians’ Guild. In battle, they cast shielding spells and act as medics for injured magicians and soldiers alike. In peacetime, they can usually be found among the civilians, helping stop disease outbreaks, healing those involved in accidents, and ameliorating everyday illnesses and injuries. As a result, this class is highly respected by those inside and outside the Guild walls.

Healing Skills

The first skills a Healer Magician will learn is basic medic skills. Healing spells are difficult to master, and many leave the caster feeling drained of energy, so basic first-aid skills will be the first tool a Healer will turn to during battle. These skills include bandaging wounds, removing arrows, stopping profuse bleeding, preventing infection, and aiding a choking victim. In addition, new healers are taught basic anatomy, how to prepare basic healing potions, and how to recognize common diseases. If a new apprentice makes it through this, they will recieve instruction in their first healing spells: light wound healing, and pain removal.

The ability to heal wounds increases with rank. Novices can heal flesh wounds, lower fevers, and halt hypothermia; adepts can mend broken bones and calm anxiety; elders can completely heal those that are near death. Starting with the novice level, healer magicians learn more advanced healing potions and herbalism.

Offensive and Defensive Spells

The first spell useful in battle is learned at the novice level. A Healer’s orb of light can be cast at a high intensity for a few moments, creating a blinding light. This is highly effective against the light-sensitive members of the Dark Alliance, but the caster will need to close his or her eyes.

At the adept level, Mages are strong enough to perform certain defensive spells. The first of these are the familiar shielding spells, which protect against physical weapons and spells. Although the shields produced by the spells are at first large enough to cover only one person, as the caster grows in strength, he or she is able to cover wider and wider areas.

Another defensive spell is the shockwave, in which compression waves fly from the end of the fingertips or the staff. This is effective in knocking down structures or oncoming troops, although it should never be used at point blank range, as healers are forbidden to use magic to kill. A strong shockwave cast into the ground may have the same effect as a small earthquake, although results are highly unpredictable.

Higher ranks of healers are able to use stun spells in battle. These can knock a single target or a group of targets unconscious. Hobbling spells will cripple a target or a group of targets. However, the more targets for these spells, the lower the individual recovery time will be. These spells are not recommended for large groups.

Healing magic involves constantly using ones energy for the common good. As a result, Healer Magicians who have approximately reached the level of Elder in the Guild may emit a calming aura. This makes them instantly likable to most creatures, including animals and thieves. Most humans and animals who may attack them quickly lose the will to fight. However, evil races and humans in the Dark Alliance armies will not respond to this aura, and may become more inclined to fight because of it.

Legendary Healers

Extremely powerful Healers can heal all wounds but those that kill instantly. They also may employ the arcane art of absorbtion spells. Absorbtion allows the caster to absorb one and only one spell per casting. These take high amounts of energy, but if applied correctly pay dividends, for the energy of each absorbed spell strengthens the caster. Ancient legends speak of healers curing blindness and madness, removing curses, and being able to turn back the undead, but it is unknown whether these are truth or fabrication.

On Healing Oneself

When Healer Magicians are seriously injured or ill, they may use their healing spells on themselves. However, this can be seriously draining- healing spells take energy to cast, and are extremely difficult to manage when the caster is in pain. This puts them at a severe disadvantage during battle. A healer magician is far better off to find help, but if that is impossible, it is recommended that he or she hides before performing the spell, and remains hidden until an acceptable amount of strength returns after the healing magic.

On Healing Animals

Healing animals is taught at approximately the adept level, although students can learn earlier if they are so inclined.

Healing animals takes no more effort than healing humans. However, it can be far more difficult if the animal is panicky, as most injured creatures will be. The animal must be calm before the healing spell is attempted, or it will not work, and the caster will be weakened and possibly injured in a struggle. The easiest way to heal animals is to work alongside a caretaker, who can calm them and explain what the healer is doing. If this is not possible, a calming spell or potion can be administered to the afflicted animal.

On Weapons

As healers are not permitted to use lethal magic, it is strongly recommended that they become extremely proficient with their chosen weapons.

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