Announcements 25.01.10
Created | Updated Jan 25, 2010

If you would like to have an Announcement displayed on this page, please note the submission e-mail address for Announcements, at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming and Proposed Meets
Bristol Meet February 2010
Yes indeed, people are busy plotting and planning activities for a Bristol Meet on 13 February 2010. Sign up, have your say or simply find out more here.
German Meet Easter 2010
With neither precise date nor location decided upon yet but still under discussion, you can have your say if you head over to A61150628.
London May Meet 2010
Voting is currently going on for when to meet up in London. Cast your vote before 24 February at A61823694.
'...the new sign in system. It’s called BBC iD and it replaces the current sign-in system (SSO). It’s already being used in places like the iPlayer message board, and from Monday it will be switched on for all BBC blogs.
It is one of things driving the new design for h2g2. At some point before March we have to switch BBC iD on for h2g2. And to do that the site has to be in new format called 'Barlesque'.
But we won’t be implementing the new designs (which are in Barlesque) until after Xmas so for the moment h2g2 will not be directly affected by the changes as it will still be using the pre-existing sign-in system (SSO).
But – and there’s always a but – if you sometimes venture outside h2g2 to leave a comment on, for example, a BBC blog, from Monday your SSO log in won’t work, because the blogs will now be on the new system. You will have to upgrade your current sign-in account (SSO) to the new system if you want to comment.
There’s a lot of work involved to get h2g2 ready to switch on the new system. At the moment we’re estimating that we won’t be able to do that until the New Year. And so that means for a while you’ll potentially have two accounts and two log-ins.
There is a simple solution to this:
Upgrade your current BBC membership account, the pre-existing sign-in system (SSO), to BBC iD.
You can only upgrade one account per email address – although you can have more than one account as long as it has a different email address.'
To read the full Announcement, including helpful links, please visit the Announcement.
The h2g2 University
After a two-year absence, it's back - the h2g2 University, where you can create projects on your own specialised subjects...
New Clubs
Dire Straits Fan Club
Calling Dire Straits Fans......Is There Anybody Home?
Gardeners' Guild
Relaxed place for gardeners or plant fiddlers.
The Campaign for Thursday
The most popular uprising against the Thingites ever, the Campaign for Thursday is not to be mocked. Join in with the T3N thread, have a drink or ten at the bar, or just wipe yourself out...
The campaign to re-name the Thingites "Prats"
Are you bored with the Thingites and their extremly dull prattle? Are you a Thursdayite? Are you looking for an excuse to party? Are you getting bored right now? If so (or if not) join the society - You get a badge!!
Film Club
We rent the same DVD once a month. Then we talk about it. Simple! Far fewer rules than Fight Club.....People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durden.
Are you forming a new club? Why not pop over to the Classified Ads and let us know! You can also promote your group by writing an introductory piece and submitting it to The Post for extra publicity and potentially more members. Just use the link at the bottom of this page.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to The Post Box.