Film Club
Created | Updated Mar 16, 2005
The first rule of Film Club is....

Now...the original idea was this: once a month, members will vote to choose a film. We all watch it on DVD. Then...unlike in Fight Club, we do get to talk about it. Simple as that. didn't work. We could never get are arses in gear to agree and rent a film.
So here's the deal:
watch a film, any film - Then start up a conversation below to discuss it. It's a good idea to post a link to a site giving more info, like a page on the Internet Movie Database. I'll try and add direct links to the threads from this page as and when. There! Fewer rules than Fight Club There's no membership list...simply because I can't be bothered keeping one.
Actually, there is one rule: Try and watch something you haven't already seen. Follow other peoples' suggestions. It will be good for you!
How to get hold of the films:
Now, obviously there's a fair chance that the films we select aren't going to be available down at yer local Blockbuster. (Second Vin Diesel?) So...I suggest you might like to signs up for one of the many online rent-by-post outfits which have huge ranges of artsy-fartsy stuff. The usual deal is that for a monthly fee you get so many DVDs at a time, then when you send one back, they send you another. In In the UK, Amazon and Tesco seem to have good deals, and in the US there's Netflix. Google "online DVD rental" for other alternatives
February's Film is...
After much faffing about and arse-not-in-geardness, we can now announce that our first film is:
Noi The Albino (Nói albínói )
Iceland, 2003 it here.
More Films
- None yet
'My God! I haven't been f----d like that since grade school!'
- Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) in 'Fight Club'