The Post 2M 25.01.10 - 29.03.10
Created | Updated Jun 1, 2011
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The thirty-ninth page of Past Issue links with a brief description of some, but by no means all,
the excellent articles featured.
Failure wears a friendly face, according to Minorvogonpoet, but it still dogs the progress of those dogged bikers in Rear View. The Reluctant Gaijin struggles to find something edible, and Egon returns with his Sporting column. Rod the Brit has collected some old memories, while dmitri remembers his schooldays.01.02.10
Galaxy Babe offers an alternative celebration to St Valentine, as we usher in the Chinese Year of the Tiger: and there are 'tails' a-plenty in Fragmented, Weight of Reason, and Bertie and the Beast. Dmitri looks back at the Red Scare, while other researchers remember what it was like living in the 1960s.08.02.10
Snow is the cause of a tale of woe from Sho, h5ringer finds treasure, and there's drama on Emma's cruise ship. RodtheBrit and The Reluctant Gaijin get their Post Reporter badges.15.02.10
Dmitri continues his essays on what makes the US the way it is, while on the other side of the pond there's a poem with a difference in the Mancunian Bus-driver's Prayer. Further East, and it's springtime for the Reluctant Gaijin, while out in space there's a story from Awix.22.02.10
Prof gives a poignant account of some of the medical treatments of yesteryear, dmitri reminisces about the time he took tea at Buckingham Palace, and Beatrice finally meets up with those adventurous bikers in The Gambia. Word of the Week gets a revival, and did you know that unicorns have beards?01.03.10
Emma earns her Post Reporter's badge, and shows us around some lesser known pyramids. The Reluctant Gaijin gets to grips with transport in Japan, and travels by bullet-train and bicycle. Pheroneous II is travelling by shank's mare (that's on foot) and soon learns why walkers need water.08.03.10
The snow has started to melt, and Nigel explains why many gardens have turned pink. Gold is the colour of Toy Box's concert ticket, as he makes a welcome debut to The Post, and gold is also the colour that B'Elana muses about when it comes to silence and talking. Fast Cartoonist suffers from too much red tape, Platypus Dancing inhabits a small blue planet, and there are some dark and stormy acrostics to enjoy.15.03.10
Demon Drawer pays tribute to the late Michael Foot in 45 words, while dmitri introduces us to a literate robin who keeps a fascinating diary! The Reluctant Gaijin shares his technique for surviving in a strange land, and despairs of Japanese music. H5ringer tests our knowledge of Western music with a fiendish true/false quiz.22.03.10
Jimcracker and Smudger share some pane-ful *groan* memories, Emma tries to walk a mile, and Beatrice is busy dancing for an audience, and planting some of Nigel's sweet-peas. Musical afficionados get the answers to the true/false quiz, and there's a brain teaser of a different sort from Icy North, who has created some famous (he says) movie scenes using ASCII characters. Thinking caps on!29.03.10
What do you see: "Is it art?" asks Dmitri, while Emma chooses between the jostling streets of Mumbai or a manicure on board. Galaxy Babe points out a fiery tentacle on the sun, and our cartoonists imagine scenes from other worlds. Out in the garden, Websailor has spotted some Muntjac deer, and Nigel warns about the dangers posed by rose thorns. Icy North pulls back the curtain on the movie scenes, and there are some wonderful pictures to admire in the Photographers newslatter.