A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 181


[Aeryn] No idea. I don't think weapons will do it. We need a mage. At least it's too big to get at us in here.

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 182

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

[Kylen] "You got to hit it with holy weapons. Guns an dmost spells down work, so you got to find it's weak spot and stab it."

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 183


[Anole]: How old is this dragon anyway?

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 184

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] No clue! Somebody use a sword! I'll cast Ice on it ... maybe that'll help!

smiley - dragon*flaps wings to generate intense wind to blow heroes away*
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 185


[Sharp]: "Wait! I think I may have an idea..."
*smiley - eureka:*
*remembers that heatless oddly-colored 'spirit-ball flame is for absorbing (for energy)*

*holds his hand out*

*takes in the energy*

"Now I hope this works!"

*casts bolt, through his scythe*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 186


[Sharp]: "Aren't flying things usually suckers for getting zapped?"

*casts 'elec.smiley - bats'*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 187


[Sharp]: *casts 'ice-knives'*
"Spell-crafting,-could say it's just another 1 of my interesting hobbies."

*smiley - laughs, casting some more of the above spell @ the dragon*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 188


[Sharp]: *casts rock* @ the dragon, too.

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 189

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - erm SHARP!!! three goes??? seriously, man, wait for other folks to have a turn! like, wait 24 hours at least before taking another turn if nobody responds, if at all, and preferrably not.

smiley - dragon*Dragon is damaged by Lightning-based spells*

smiley - dragon BRAUKGEETCH!!!!!!

my best description of a really weird dragon-shriek noise made by a dragon with a changing voice (like how Terran teen voices change)

*breathes some kind of dark flames at party*

[Gandark] smiley - yikes ow! *ducks*

[Gandark] Anybody got a weapon? Hold it up and I'll cast on it!
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 190


[Anole] holds up his katana*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 191


: While, let's say I wasn't quite sure with which kind of attack to go with. That's why I had my character try out a few in rapid succession...smiley - erm: I think I may now see your point...

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 192


[Sharp]: " 'Ey Kylen, wha' about you? Maybe I can try to cast 'ice' on yer guns? Probably work best with/on a round of 'hexed' bullets, no?"

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 193


[Sharp]: "Gandark, those green-heatless fires, - You can absorb them for energy, I remembered that just now..."

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 194

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

[Kylen] "Guns don't work. Thats what the bombs are for!!" He yells, taking minimal damage from the dark flames. he launches a lit bomb into the dragons mouth.

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 195


[Sharp]: (nevertheless...): "Point noted."

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 196


[Sharp]: *spins his scythe idly, waiting to see what is about to unfold/what the smiley - monster's next move will be*

*smiley - yawns*

*unintentionally mauls a nearby confused zombie, barely even noticing.*

*notices smiley - yuk*


*smiley - laughs*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 197


[Anole] idly juggles knives*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 198


[Sharp]: (makes an aside): "Y'see, he's not so much the 'dull-pin' either."

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 199


smiley - star
*Either vainly or arrogantly (but most likely through sheer apparent 'boredom') puts aside what might be coined, 'the time & effort', to clean and polish the blade to his scythe.*
smiley - star
"There's a nice sheen to it now, eh?"
smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star
*offers to lend the metal-polishing kit.*

Silver Sword - Heroville Cemetary

Post 200


[Anole] keeps juggling his knives*

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