A Conversation for Talking Point: Winning The Lottery!

I'd buy...

Post 1


... a bloody big boat, and never use it. Because I hate being on the sea. I'd buy it simply to show off how much money I've got, that I can afford to buy a bloody big boat, and never use it.

And I'd buy the cast of ER. Just for fun. smiley - biggrin

I'd buy...

Post 2

Big Red

My husband and I actually have given this a lot of thought, just for fun, a few times when we bought lottery tickets.

I don't think you'd have to worry about whether to tell anyone; I'm sure it would get out and be all over the TV and newspapers.

The first thing we would do is change our phone number to an unlisted number and hire security. The second thing would be to consult a financial planner. We also decided we would make no changes in our lifestyle for a year.

After that year, yes, I would definitely quit my job. I'd set up a foundation with 10 percent of the money we won, and spend my time being involved with giving that cash away and in traveling all over the world.

I dunno if we'd move or not. A house in France would be nice. smiley - biggrin

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