Talking Point: Winning The Lottery!

26 Conversations

Last week in the USA four lucky lottery winners shared a jackpot of $280 million dollars. We all know that the odds are stacked against us actually winning, but if you don't have a ticket...

But is winning the lottery good fortune or not? Would winning a large amount of money disrupt your life to such an extent that it would make you unhappy? Would it be better to win a modest amount of money rather than the jackpot prize?

What would you do if you won the lottery?

  • Would you tell anyone?
  • Who would you tell first? Who would you tell last?
  • Would you throw in your job?
  • What would you buy?
  • Where would you live?
  • Would you travel the world or stay at home?
  • Would you fulfil a life's dream and/or do something really bizarre?
  • Would you share it with your friends on h2g2?

Would it really make you happy?

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