A Conversation for Talking Point: Things that are Irredeemably Tacky

Bright Blue Eye Shadow & Other Makeup Blunders

Post 1

The Sciolist

I don't believe that humans were meant to wear bright blue eyeshadow. It just screams trashy and always reminds me of Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. Also, I would like to take a shot at caked-on coverup. Sure, it hides the glare of your acne and your face, but at what cost? Many people do not know how to wear makeup and therefore apply it rather badly. The third makeup faux pas I must gripe at is mismatched lipliner and lipstick, especially when the lipstick has worn off and all you have left is a cheap outline. Don't people notice that it looks strange on others? Let's hear your thoughts on other tacky cosmetic blunders.
These are my thoughts,
-The Sciolist

Bright Blue Eye Shadow & Other Makeup Blunders

Post 2

Witty Ditty

Far too much blusher. A definitive no-no in my book.

Orange foundation.

Bright Blue Eye Shadow & Other Makeup Blunders

Post 3

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Lipliner that is drawn outside of the lips always looks strange.

Bright Blue Eye Shadow & Other Makeup Blunders

Post 4

Not A Newbie

Fake suntan!

My auntie always has a line where her foundation doesn't quiet reach her hairline!

smiley - tea

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