A Conversation for Talking Point: Things that are Irredeemably Tacky

The Mullet

Post 1

Mr. Legion

'Nuff said. The haircut that goes against God, man and any sense of decency seems to be making an insidious return to public life - hang your hairy head in shame, Russell Crowe. Why, you might wake up tomorrow and find that one has colonised your head. The only cure? FIRE

The Mullet

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I live in Texas mate. Mullets are almost compulsory here. The only way I could get out of it was to shave my head entirely smiley - tongueout

The Mullet

Post 3

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

If I ever watch 'Cops' the low-life white trash getting arrested invariably have mullets, or were trying to kill somebody who does, or has a vocal neighbour/cousin/other family member who does.

Another hirsuite crime - men with pony-tails. Why do they want to look like they have a handle on the back of their heads? It wasn't even that cool in the eighties. This has some scary extremes, the bald-on-top-trying-to-compensate-with-wispy-pony-tail and the rats tail.

smiley - yikes to both.

smiley - bluek

The Mullet

Post 4

The Sciolist

-Comb-overs are terrible, also.
-Badly dyed, faded hair. It is tacky.

The Mullet

Post 5

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

More hairy blunders: moustaches without beards and beards without moustaches. If I am honest I would say all facial hair (bar eyebrows and eyelashes) by I realise some people actually like them.

Oh, and eyebrows completely plucked off and then drawn on again in crayon or whatever it is those women use. Looks like crayon to me.

The Mullet

Post 6

Mr. Legion

I wouldn't say *all* facial hair is bad. Sideburns are OK, in moderation. Not when they travel half-way down your chin, of course.

What about '80's perms? I don't know why it seemed a good idea at the time to apparently double the size of your head with masses of curls, unless it had some function in frightening off predators. The only thing worse than an '80's perm on a woman is an '80's perm on a man. They tried to look like New Romantic poets - they failed. For a good example of the perm, see Kylie Minogue's early videos.

We cannot afford to let the perm go unpunished, because we cannot afford its being repeated. Come to think of it, the only way to avoid naff hair in the future is if we all go for the cueball look. Roll in, you brave new world.

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