A Conversation for Talking Point: Things that are Irredeemably Tacky


Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

white tights with white socks worn over them. big craze when i was at school



Post 2

Dinsdale Piranha

Everything to do with David Dickinson - his hair, his dubious tan, his 'Big Ron' jewellery, his car with white leather upholstery, his camp manner on TV...


Post 3

Captain Kebab

Big Ron. He's the original.


Post 4

Dinsdale Piranha

I'll tell you what, little Scholesy at the back stick, the keeper's come out waving to his mother, he's done him on the inside, you'd put your life on him to score from there, 1-0 to United.

He should have a licence for that skill.

Tragically, I missed him last night. Was he good?

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