A Conversation for Center for the Development of Anti-Dog Technology
Production Plans
soeasilyamused, or sea Started conversation Aug 7, 2001
let's see...
we'll need a Doggie-B-Gone launcher, a Chew Toy Hardener, and a Smack-the-Nose-with-a-Newspaper machine.
any other ideas?
Production Plans
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 10, 2001
A dog hating android that looks like a human, run by remote control. It can be armed with a news paper, leash, a hose, soap and huge wash tub for baths. Of course the android will have to be water proof.....
Production Plans
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 11, 2001
i'm impressed!
*starts production of aforementioned weapons*
we'll have to plan some sort of seige on the doghouse. we should also think about destroying their anti cat labs so they have to rebuild before they can retaliate.
Production Plans
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 12, 2001
Production Plans
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 13, 2001
*sees fly out of the corner of cat eyes, and pounces on it, spilling it's bug guts on the nice clean wall...*
Production Plans
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 13, 2001
*Bug guts that turn out to be tiny electronic components.
Another fly comes in and lands even higher up on the wall. Definately out of pounce range, this time.*
Production Plans
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 13, 2001
*grabs the wonderful hose that just happens to be laying around, and sprays the electronic bug, shorting it out.*
Production Plans
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 14, 2001
Production Plans
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 14, 2001
*A new fly buzzes in and lands on the ceiling, directly above the cats. It has a somewhat rubbery look.*
Production Plans
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 14, 2001
*a rather mechanical-looking spider advances upon it - a new breed of spider that attacks its victims instead of waiting for them to get stuck in its web*
Production Plans
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 14, 2001
*A muted squeek comes from the fly and it takes off. It flys in a holding pattern around the ceiling light fixture.*
Production Plans
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 14, 2001
oops, sorry...
*the spider continues to stalk the fly, then prepares to jump and catch it*
Production Plans
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 14, 2001
*The fly changes it's flight pattern from simple circles into figure eights.*
Production Plans
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 14, 2001
*the spider makes a few recalculations, then leaps*
Production Plans
Big Bad Werewolf Posted Aug 14, 2001
*The fly is just in the process of changing to a celtic knot flying pattern, when it is hit by a projectile spider. Both plummet earthwards and land in seas' drink, with a sizzle.
Five minutes later, a sparrow flys awkwardly in and perches on the ceiling light fixture.*
Key: Complain about this post
Production Plans
- 1: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 7, 2001)
- 2: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 10, 2001)
- 3: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 11, 2001)
- 4: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 12, 2001)
- 5: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 12, 2001)
- 6: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 12, 2001)
- 7: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 13, 2001)
- 8: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 13, 2001)
- 9: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 13, 2001)
- 10: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 13, 2001)
- 11: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 14, 2001)
- 12: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 14, 2001)
- 13: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 14, 2001)
- 14: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 14, 2001)
- 15: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 14, 2001)
- 16: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 14, 2001)
- 17: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 14, 2001)
- 18: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 14, 2001)
- 19: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 14, 2001)
- 20: Big Bad Werewolf (Aug 14, 2001)
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