A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 1


Occassionally we'll get a stray in the Junkyard. The way I've been getting rid of 'em was by using a long wand with a sparlky bit of old bits-n-nobs-and-feathery-junk that pussies love. They'll hunt that for a while, as it easily hypnotizes the average cat, and I'll lead them to the Crusher (where we recycle the scrap metal).
Um, it's not too graceful, but it's pretty effective.

Some kitties aren't interested in my toys though. Is there any way to super-charge it and make it a little more irresistible? Possibly using curiousitizer technology. . .maybe that would hepl in the portable curiousitizer research as well!

Also, I've been using the Crusher on the cats, but then I've got to clean it out. Any *shudders* you should see all the fur! Where else can I lead them?

There's a cesspool in the junkyard, but I don't know if that'd be good ro bad for the cats, you never know what's going to be in there.

Friar, the BigDawg, Protector of the Junkyard

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 2

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Try dipping the toys in cat dip or fish oil.smiley - winkeye

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 3

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Well you could use our curiositizer button technology if you want. The code is :-


AAA is the convo number. This is the one tricky bit - first you have to create a thread where you want the kitty to go to after they fall into the trap (ie make a posting from the junkyard using this feature). Once you create the thread you need to find out the thread number (this is not the URL btw). For example if you look at this thread and place your cursor over posting 1. you'll see the URL appear at the bottom of the window with the number #p2172829 at the end. You would put 2172829 in place of AAA if you wanted the button feature to post to this convo. All you need is a little ingenuity to come up with a feature in the junkyard for the unsuspecting feline to press the button and a place of destruction for them to go to.

BBB is the button bar subject line

CCC is the label on the button

DDD is the text in the field.

You can see an example at A772706 or A776432


Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 4

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Oops, the word was supposed to be catnip. Sorry.

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 5

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Course if you want to send them to the ACF curiositizer then the No would be 1214703 smiley - winkeye

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 6


OK trap installed at A777305 , the junkyard.
smiley - cheers
Friar, the bigdawg, protector of the junkyard

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 7

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Ooops I forgot something important. You need to add a second posting to your death thread because when the Cat activates the trap they will see what posting they are replying to (press GO yourself and see what it looks like - just don't press the post message button).

The way to fix this is to make posting No 2 something innocent - a < smiley > or an < ok >. Once done edit the text of the button feature to the unique number of the 2nd posting rather than the 1st.

Sorry - shudda remembered that. Took me a while to work it all out a year ago and I forgot that bit.


Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 8

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - bigeyes

Kitty Dangle Toy-of-Death

Post 9


Thanks boss! The link is all set up, I think.

Let me know if there's anything I could do to improve the set-up.

smiley - cheers

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