A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 1

Researcher 185550

If you've seen ghe Doghouse recently, you'll know that I've recently become Officer for Anti- Cat Propoganda (and Enlightenment). Assumably this gives me some small diplomatic roll, but also a scientific. Red Dog has asked me to make the Conversation Killer, and I confess I'm stuck as to where to start (i.e.I've done jack). In addition to that, I'd like to get some propoganda out soon, which I'll just nick from Goebbels and change the names.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - laugh Hi Roadkill, well I think the C-Killer has at least two settings :~

1. Yep
2. Nope

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 3

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

<ooc. I think something wierd just happened with my last post so herer it is [from memory] one more time

smiley - laugh Hi Roadkill. I reckon the C-Killer should have at least two settings :

1. Yep
2. Nope

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 4

Researcher 185550

Well, ok I did do a little bit more than that: I found this guy who says that saying "I'm in computing does" kills a conversation. Working on more though
('So I've got this big pussy boil, and I went to the doctor and he told me it was contagious. 'Contagious?' I said, and he said 'Yeah, really contagious' and I said 'Wow, you don't wanna get near that' and he said 'yeah, you could probably catch it over the interenet1')

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 5

Researcher 185550

Okey dokey, things are coming along nicely now, very well written by my friend Arthbard Vootenoy. It's at A669846 .

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog


on my way

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 7

Researcher 185550

*eagerly awaits feedback*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 8

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*runs some more original anti-dog propaganda on a holo-viewer, 42 feet high, and loud enough to keep even a cat awake, then flies off to make more mischeif*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 9

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 10

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*Does Red Dogs have an excited reaction to the unveiling of the Conversation Killer ? Does he think Roadkill and friend have truly excelled themselves this time ? Is he gagging to get a portable version for himself ?*


Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 11

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh
Find out same place, some other time, right here.

Still in development: loads of stuff still to come, and it looks like we're looking at /all/ areas of Conversation Killing, rather than just on computers. But it looks good, stuff is being thought up all the time.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 12

Researcher 185550


The conversation killer in it's most basic element has three settings. Positive, negative, neutral. A lot like atoms. We're currently trying to persuade the 'yep' the 'nope' and the 'ah' to behave like subatomic particles, so that we can make the CK - bomb. May also, when bombarded with single smiley posts, work as a source of energy. What sort, we're not sure. But I think for military applications, it could be used in some sort of tazer like thing.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 13

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost

smiley - tennisballyep.
smiley - tennisballnope.
smiley - tennisballah.
*waits eagerly for a reaction...*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 14

Researcher 185550

*Ducks for cover. CK energy is distributed all over the thread. Roadkill must apply the CK antidote*

cheese (that's experimental by the way).

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 15

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I think an open jar of Marmite gently waved under your nose would be a highly effective antidote and would probably do the trick.

How is the CK bomb going ? We may want to do a curiostizer style device with it to trap Cats.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 16

Researcher 185550

Well, as soon as we can find out how a real bomb works, we'll just substitute the explosive ingredients with their CK counterparts.

Other progress? There's lots. We've made new CK- elements. Being the self- centered people that we are, we renamed them all. Instead of saying CK- Hydrogen, for example, we say Roadkillium. There could easily be a RedDogium, if you want.

Also, I have hypnotised a disease (tomitis- it's Ancient Greek for division- illness) which causes threads to disintegrate.

Finally, using advanced CK biochemsitry if you capture a cat it should be possible to recreate them in CK form. You need a bit of their genetic material, though. Only problem is that it's a bit unstable, tending to fall apart quickly- we think it dies 'cos it has no friends, not being able to converse-, and can only say 'Durrrrrrrrrr' in any case. We made a CK Roadkill.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 17

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - laugh RedDogium ... I like it. They'd be no chance of it turning out like Kryptonite of course would there smiley - winkeye. That'd be awful - imagine if the Cats got hold of that eh smiley - winkeye. Couldn't let that happen, oh no smiley - winkeye. Better be careful not to let any of that stuff out of the lab yes ? smiley - winkeye Definately don't let any be sold on the international weapons market no matter how lucrative smiley - winkeye

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 18

Researcher 185550

Absolutely. Keep it in one of those beams that you see in science fiction movies.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 19


smiley - biggrin

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 20

Researcher 185550

Hey look at that! A poor bird, on the ground, really fat, doesn't look like it could fly or even run away!

*Takes a little bit of Cybercat's blood while Cybercat isn't looking*

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