A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 21


*Turns around
What was that?
I felt something

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 22

Researcher 185550

*sniggers smiley - laugh*

Very ambiguous.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 23



Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 24

Researcher 185550

But only for those with dirty minds. Mine, you'd need an industrial cleaner to clear it.

*Runs off to make CK Cybercat smiley - scientist*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 25


smiley - laugh
Bye then

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 26

Researcher 185550

Or maybe not? Maybe I'll store the blood, and make an army of CK cats, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! smiley - scientist

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 27



Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 28

Researcher 185550

Jus' think, the only thing between you and total CK destruction is Red Dog's approval.

*manic laugh smiley - scientist*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 29

Researcher 185550

Jus' think, the only thing between you and total CK destruction is Red Dog's approval.

*manic laugh smiley - scientist*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 30


I don`t like power

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 31

Researcher 185550

Sorry, let me rephrase:

At the moment, the only thing standing between you and being destroyed by CK bombs and para- beings is Red Dog's approval.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 32


Oh ok
What are you suggesting I do though?
Maybe sabotage the ACF?
Or how about cause Chaos and let you take over?
Sorry I don`t do peoples dirty work!

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 33

Researcher 185550

Suggest you do? No, no nothing.

*Whistles noncholantly*

I just wanted to scare the bejeezus out of you (god I love that phrase).

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 34

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*starts playing with his thumb in a Roman Emperor kind of way*

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 35

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Watch out. This could be inducing Maximus "father to a murdered son and husband to a murdered wife" sort of scenario. smiley - yikes

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 36

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Ooo we could have a feast like wot they had in Titus Andonicus smiley - winkeye

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 37

Researcher 185550

smiley - wow Yeah, that would be sexy. Nasty thing about feasts is that when people are drunk and Roman Emperors (or at least impersonating them)- the terms are often synonymous- then they tend to catch a disease called "knifeinbackitis". It is very contagious- could well either be transmitted to you by one of your bodyguards, or you may, in turn, give it to them. smiley - yikes

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 38


smiley - biggrin

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 39

Researcher 185550

Prevention is better than cure, with knifeinbackitis, because there is no cure. And prevention involves killing everyone.

Propoganda + Conversation Killers

Post 40



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