Talking Point: Would You Like To Dance?

8 Conversations

Ricky Gervais as David Brent in TV comedy 'The Office' performing his now infamous dance routine.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
- Japanese proverb
Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm.
- Lady Gaga, 'Just Dance'

Dancing is as old as the hills. We primates have been shaking our booties for time immemorial. It's ritualistic, it's cermonial, it's a mating call, it's communual. And in the case of your uncle with his thumbs in the air, it's faintly embarrassing.

With the party season looming, we thought it would be a good time to find out how many of you have dancing feet. Do you like to dance? Or is the closest you get to dancing watching the celebs on Strictly with Brucie and a box of chocs on a Saturday night? Do you have a morbid dread of moving your hips and arms in a vaguely co-ordinated fashion? Tell us what you think:

  • Are you a bit of dancer? Do you go dancing a lot?

  • Or do you have two left feet and cringe at the thought of gyrating in front of people?

  • Where do you go to dance? Is there a favourite nightspot or salsa dancing club you regularly go to? Or do you prefer to dance alone, perfecting a 'special routine' behind closed doors à la David Brent (see above)?

  • Are you a frustrated mover? Do you yearn to free up your inhibitions and let rip with gay abandon?

  • We may have Strictly Come Dancing in the UK - or Dancing With the Stars in the US - but have we lost part of our own identity as we no longer really engage in traditional dance?

  • Or do you keep tradition alive? Do you do the Highland Reel, The Gay Gordon or an Irish jig? Do you dance around maypoles, go to ceilidhs?

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