A Conversation for Talking Point: Would You Like To Dance?

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Post 1


To make or not to make that is the question. Nothing worse than someone who dances with you and stares at their feet. Unless of course its your boos and he stares or sings at your boobs instead. Which brings me to lyrics. Should you sing along or not?

It's a minefield, and never more so than at this time of year with the office Christmas party looming large. No wonder the only way to face them is to get drunk smiley - biggrin

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Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

>>>Which brings me to lyrics. Should you sing along or not?

Mmmm.. and if you do sing along to the lyrics will you add or detract from the general ambience if you stick both thumbs in the air while you sing? smiley - biggrin

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