A Conversation for Talking Point: Would You Like To Dance?

Salsa anyone

Post 1


One of the guys at work who happens to be a Salsa teacher in his leisure time started doing a Salsa class during one of the lunchtimes in the conference room at work. I find it both relaxing and stimulating to move around to music learning patterns to improvise with (When you are good enough) by communicating through your hand movements and body language. It's good for both mind and body! I'm also the only bloke (Out of a 50/50 mix of 200) that does it and I think this reflects the still prevalent attitude that a lot of males have towards dancing. I thought it was changing due to TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing, but it seems to be very much the case in the office workplace. smiley - sadface

Salsa anyone

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Well good for you Artisan for doing these Salsa lessons and leading the way where your fellow males have so far feared to tread! smiley - ok

Salsa anyone

Post 3


I went to Cuba about 10 years ago - and every night it was 'Salsa dancing by the pool 6-7pm' and I tried and tried to get to grips with it - and failed miserably!

However, I remembered the basic steps - 'one, two, three, touch' then back again, both sideways and forward and back.

So I practiced in my own kitchen to the CD of 'Brassed Off' - all the tunes were 4/4 time and quite slow.

After several months I was able to speed up a bit - and then I took to the floor at a family wedding - and I've never looked back!

Now I dance at every opportunity - now and again waving at my brothers-in-law who are still propping up the bar on these occasions.

As a clincher, my son and son-in-law were gently joshing me about my dancing when my daughter-in-law piped up, "You can say what you you like, but your dad's the one with all the girls round him!"

I'd tell anyone to just go for it!

Cheers, Paul

Salsa anyone

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

>>>I'd tell anyone to just go for it!

After reading your post we're inclined to agree with you. smiley - ok

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