A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 15, 2004
*HDS s*
OOOhh, stop it , stop it!
*HDS begins pounding the ground and kicking for all the laughing, as he does he causes a Mars Quake*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 15, 2004
*gets over it, looms over them ominously. Looming energy beings are quite scary*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 16, 2004
*starts "jumping" about as they prod him*
ooo, that one tickled, Yikes! That one hurt, ooo, ah, jeez, AH!
*Throws a mind burst at the martians* (the sort of thing that knocks people out)
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 16, 2004
*The energy being turns black and shadowy again, the sodering irons fly through him and lodge in a martian's eye sockets*
Olympus Mons - Mars
Martiansoup Posted Feb 17, 2004
I may be away for a bit so it might take me a bit longer to reply
Have some more energy.
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 17, 2004
*teleports right next to Martian Soup, returns to the corporeal plain and slashes at him with a scimitar*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 18, 2004
* hopes martiansoup's relitives are painfully annoying, decides any bit could help, casts an evil curse of annoyingness on them, and waits for his return*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 19, 2004
*HDS phases into hyperspace and appears on the other side of Mars*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 24, 2004
*melts the ice caps with big lasers, then heats (with really big sun beams) the atmosphere to cause torential rain and massive mud slides*
Olympus Mons - Mars
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Feb 24, 2004
reminds martiansoup he just melted the water that does in fact exist in the polar ice caps, and the dust when combined with water would create mud
*kicks back and enjoys the storm*
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Olympus Mons - Mars
- 21: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 15, 2004)
- 22: Martiansoup (Feb 15, 2004)
- 23: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 15, 2004)
- 24: Martiansoup (Feb 15, 2004)
- 25: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 15, 2004)
- 26: Martiansoup (Feb 15, 2004)
- 27: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 16, 2004)
- 28: Martiansoup (Feb 16, 2004)
- 29: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 16, 2004)
- 30: Martiansoup (Feb 17, 2004)
- 31: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 17, 2004)
- 32: Martiansoup (Feb 17, 2004)
- 33: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 18, 2004)
- 34: Martiansoup (Feb 19, 2004)
- 35: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 19, 2004)
- 36: Martiansoup (Feb 22, 2004)
- 37: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 24, 2004)
- 38: Martiansoup (Feb 24, 2004)
- 39: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Feb 24, 2004)
- 40: Martiansoup (Feb 24, 2004)
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