A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods

in front of a live audience

Post 61

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

gets really strong fan out of pocket turns it on and fires the deodrant back at robotwig and a bit at Apollo

in front of a live audience

Post 62

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Holds arms up*

Ah, much better.


*A Tornado of Frogs appears and starts ribbeting its way towards MegaChedda*

in front of a live audience

Post 63

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

*puts on anti-frog-tornado deodrant*

in front of a live audience

Post 64

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

You really think that would work?

*Takes out God Manual*

Um... ahh... page 767760847070643720765141023... here it is and I quote:

'Anti-Frog Deoderant does work on Frog tornados.'

Ah. Um... *Gets pen*

'Anti-Frog Deoderant doesn't work on Frog tornados.'

That's better.

in front of a live audience

Post 65

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

thats cheating

in front of a live audience

Post 66

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

No, it's bending the laws of physics.

smiley - biggrin

in front of a live audience

Post 67

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

can he do that Apollo?

in front of a live audience

Post 68

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

The Rules say and I quote:

'Just a warning -- the laws of continuity are very flexible in the Battle...PLEASE understand that and do not be offended if the laws get bent (or occasionally broken). Except in extreme cases, this is acceptable. It challenges the combatant to an even greater degree. After all, we are gods ...'

So I can do it.

So long as I don't destroy the universe. *Gets out pen again, and writes in the rulebook. MegaChedda gains a huge afro of Rainbow hair.*

Hehehe, that looks funny.

in front of a live audience

Post 69

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

*Takes the book and writes*

The god known as Robotwig has and never will Exist

in front of a live audience

Post 70

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Quickly summons a Rudder Ducky of Time*

Haha, I've frozen the time surrounding me to the millisecond before you wrote!

And to keep it that way forever...

*Squishes Rubber Ducky*

in front of a live audience

Post 71

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

uses his ultra special psychic powers to to somehow kill robotwig

in front of a live audience

Post 72

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Quickly resummons Rubber Ducky and spins it round and round really really quickly, deflecting the Psychic rays*

You're being very vague and direct with your attacks...

If I was going to do that I'd just say '*Destroys Megachedda*'.

But I decided on a Giant Carrot. *Munches*

in front of a live audience

Post 73


*Aximili pokes his nose in again.*

Hiya! Who's winning?

in front of a live audience

Post 74

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

smiley - tomato at robotwig

in front of a live audience

Post 75

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

I think I am.

*Uses Giant Carrot like baseball bat to hit the tomato*

Yes, home run!

in front of a live audience

Post 76

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!


Starts up a smiley - tomatosmiley - porkpie andsmiley - cakekamikaze

in front of a live audience

Post 77

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Opens massive gob REALLY wide*

in front of a live audience

Post 78

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

while robotwig is eating kicks him in the...

(wait for it)


in front of a live audience

Post 79

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]


*Uses the Holy Deep-Heat Patch of Venus*

Ah, soothing relief...

in front of a live audience

Post 80

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

aww smiley - sorry did i hurt you? here have somesmiley - cake

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