A Conversation for Ealing

Peer Review: A5983680 - Ealing

Post 1


Entry: Ealing - A5983680
Author: ssbookworm12488 - U730741

I lived for many years in Ealing. I feel the comments made were lagely made out of ignorance. Ealing was known as Queen of the boroughs and has some extremely pleasant parts.
Anyone who`s knowledge of Ealing studios, is to wrongly accuse them of being the home of the `Carry On` films, deserves to be totally ignored,as a reviewer!

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

hi, nice to see another geographical entry in PR, especailly about a place I have visited.

a couple of comments, house rules prefer not using the 1st person in entries, so rewording the section about the health service would be better. Also perhaps adding a bit of evidence about the hosptial

have a look at these links for that ...


I'm sre I saw it near the bottom of the league tables as well

did you know that Ealing hospital NHS trust is an anagram of 'Phalluses not in straight'. (will that get yikesed ?)

as well as Carry On Films, Easling was also well known for its other british comedys ... Kind Hearts And Coronets, The Lavender Hill Mob, The Ladykillers and Whiskey Galore. It also was run by the beeb, where they made bits of monty python.

Wasn't there a bomb in the Broadway recently ?


tjm (scout)

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 3


Those Carry on films ,were made at Pinewood Studios and not Ealing, as I said. The others you mention were well worth seeing (if you haven`t) and something we old Ealingites are proud of.smiley - biggrin

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 4


Well, I have to say, this is a very negative article, even your 'praise' of parks is spoiled by the description given. Hardly a tourist board description to encourage visitors!!
Is there nothing positive about the place? I can imagine other Londoners reading this and not being at all impressed.If this is a personal view, which, frankly is what it looks like, perhaps it should be in the AWW?


smiley - cat

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 5

Demon Drawer

Brilliant. Just a few days before I post my Bus Driver's Prayer entry where of course Ealing is a stop. I'm going to have to alert the eds to a potential update and link from my entry I see. smiley - smiley

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 6

Demon Drawer

You really should mention more that the Carry On Films as you mention of Ealing Studios. There are quite a lot of film and TV productions that have come out of that famous site. If you are writing up Ealing I feel you need to include more info on its most famous celluloid exports.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well, we haven't had one of these in PR for a while - a 'the best thing about my home town is the road out of it, avoid the place if you know what's good for you' entries.

It is very, very negative, without being funny or satirical. Unless it gets a major rewrite it stands a very small chance of being recommended by a Scout, in my opinion.

Ealing Studios certainly merits more than passing mention, although not much more than that because someone will no doubt come along in the future and write an entry specifically about Ealing Studios... Jimster?

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

This entry was written by one researcher but submitted to Peer Review by another. Although the system allows this to happen, there's not much chance of such an entry ever being picked since the original author is not around to make any suggested changes. So unless Analyst or someone else is willing to take on the rewriting of this entry, it should be removed from Peer Review.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You're right Gnomon, and I usually notice that it hasn't been written by the person submitting it smiley - blush

Propose a move back to entry.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 10

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

opps, I really should have noticed that.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 11

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

orignal author has not posted for 3 weeks, therefore she is not offically elvised, therefore we have to wait to move it out.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Does that rule still apply when someone submits another person's entry without first consulting the original author?

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 13

Demon Drawer

I thought only if the original author sanctioned it. I had to do that once or twice

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 14


I understood that if it was an entry that was blatantly in violation of the guidelines and the author hadn't posted back to the thread, we could move it after two weeks.

I think this still applies in this case, but I've never been entirely clear on the rules.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 15

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Even without any knowledge of the author's intentions for this entry (ie, whether or not they planned to ever submit it to PR), I think we can propose a move in these circs since the ntry is clearly unsuitable for the EG without a great deal of work.

However, I've got no problem with it remaining here until a new batch of moves are proposed, as long as someone has it on a moves list.

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 16

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

it would be nice to have all these rules written down somewhere

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 17


I agree - I don't know enough of them to make up a list, though!

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 18

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

make them up, I think that's what's going on anyway smiley - smiley

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 19

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

do we think this can get back to entried now?

A5983680 - Ealing

Post 20

Skankyrich [?]

Yes, again smiley - smiley

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