A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 521

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Jim fixed it for me and now even the subject line is okay smiley - ok

Just returned home smiley - yawn must...go...to...besmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 522

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

*comes in* spruces up the cushions a bit

smiley - zen

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 523

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*wakes up on newly upspruced cushions*

thank you dear smiley - smooch

*goes back to sleep*

smiley - zzz

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 524

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

*tiptoes in with early morning coffee - extra strong, indeed smiley - pirate Pirate Strength, leaves it within reach of Captain Pierce. *

Looks out of the port-hole windows and wonders where The Blood is now situated.

Looks at map of world on the wall and sticks a big pin in the Panama Canal, for future reference.

Gets out laptop and continues typing. smiley - zen

smiley - doctorsmiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 525

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*wakes up, notices strong coffee coroding holes in the smiley - coffee and drinks it before it goes to waste*

Good morning smiley - doctor, how am I?

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 526

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

*peers over top of laptop*

You look fine from over here Cap'n. How do you feel?

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 527

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Better now that I have smiley - drunk the smiley - coffeesmiley - biggrin

I wonder where we are. Been a long time since I had words with the navigator. Se set a course that would make us spiral up around the smiley - earth

I should go check the global positioning satelite thingy on the bridge

See you later smiley - run

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 528


doc, I think I had to many pan galactic gargle blasters.
Do you think I should sleep it off?

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 529


Oh, and here is a little something for you.
Hands her a piece of currency with Pierce's picture on it.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 530

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

thanks for the smiley - 2centssmiley - pirate Shagbark! *puts it in her little bag smiley - handbag

Now why have you been drinking too much? Have you been keeping bad company? smiley - bigeyes

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 531


Well, I did e-mail our City Attourney smiley - silly
I don't know what possessed me to do such a thing.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 532


smiley - zzzsmiley - zzz mumbles in sleep Intereditorium.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 533


smiley - zzz mumble, mumble, Panama Canal, mumble,mumble, Teddy Roosevelt.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 534

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I hear they are planning another canal, but maybe that's just a rumour?

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 535

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I don't know either. I have an aunt who sailed through it once, I shall ask her what it was like then.

I'm also imagining what it must have been like for those early seafarers before the canal existed, and what an amazing thing it would have been to construct it and sail through it the first ever time.

smiley - zensmiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 536

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Many poor souls died of malaria and other diseases while digging the first canal smiley - rose

Many other lives were saved by digging it smiley - rose

smiley - pirate

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 537

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

how terribly sad to think of all those pitiful lives - navigators dug the canal networks in England too, which is where the word 'navvie' originated, now meaning someone who mostly digs holes for their living.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 538


What would ye have done if time had placed you in that era.
would you have been a ships doctor?

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 539

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Not unless I had been born a man, as women in those times had to stay at home and raise families.

The most likely thing would have been to correspond with exploring botanists and naturalists in the hopes of widening my understanding of the world.

The reason I chose this role aboard The Blood was that I was very taken with the Patrick O'Brien series of seafaring adventures, in which the Ship's doctor, Maturin, plays a very interesting part - describing all the phenomena and natural history that they come across in their voyages as well as the curious medical practices of the time.

Dr Feelgood's Consulting Suite

Post 540


shagbark pops out of woodwork and leaves note for the ships doctor-
(Celebrating the UARS Sattellite that fell without hitting us)

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