A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Plank

Post 161

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - yikesReally?smiley - silly

The Plank

Post 162

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yeah - enough to confuse an agnosticist smiley - erm

it's a nice one though smiley - winkeye


smiley - pirate

The Plank

Post 163

Floh Fortuneswell


The Plank

Post 164

Floh Fortuneswell

*is hoarse*

The Plank

Post 165

Floh Fortuneswell


The Plank is gone!!

Post 166

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*sneeks out to the plank and nicks it while no-one is looking*

The Plank is gone!!

Post 167

Floh Fortuneswell


The Plank is gone!!

Post 168

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*hears a splash, put plank down over the ships side and shes floh thrashing about in the water, quickly hides the plank under the cannon*


The Plank is gone!!

Post 169

Floh Fortuneswell

You could just help me, don't you think?

The Plank

Post 170

Demosthenes (Irrefutable FooFighter, Fire loving Pyro, and general Psycopath. "I dun descriminate. I hate everyone eaqually.")

*stalks by, grumbling, and following a wire.*

The Plank

Post 171

Floh Fortuneswell

*climbs aboard*
smiley - grr

The Plank

Post 172

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*just finished getting undressed ready to save floh when he discovers she's standing beside him*

Oh I erm

*covers his emmbrassesment with the plank* smiley - blush

The Plank

Post 173

Floh Fortuneswell

Okay, Mr. Fortuneswell, where have you been?

The Plank

Post 174

Demosthenes (Irrefutable FooFighter, Fire loving Pyro, and general Psycopath. "I dun descriminate. I hate everyone eaqually.")

*runs on deck, several female pirates in hot pursuit. He holds a shining object in his hand, the power converter for the woman pirates sanctuary. Such a specialized part will take months to buld from scratch, and the female pirates are screaming at him to fix the power in their Harem. He chucks the glowing object as far as he can over the side, and watches it splash into the water about two hundred meters away from the ship. Seconds later, a knife, thrown too late, imbeds itself in his leg. The female pirates approach him with a vengeful gleam in their eyes, swords drawn.*

"No wait, you dont understand!!!"

"Shaddap you-" but the female pirate was cut off as a massive underwater explosion from the area where the power converter went down nearly capsised the ship. All of the expirienced seapersons maintained their grips on solid objects and, luckily, no one was swept overboard.*

"IT WAS SABOTAGE!! I only just detected it while testing the ships power systems. If I hadn't interrupted your fun, you'd all be DEAD!!! TRUST ME MORE OFTEN FOR DOUGLAS ADAMS SAKE!!!!!! I'm no smiley - bleeping trouble maker I dont smiley - bleeping smiley - bleep around!!!! smiley - bleep it, just smiley - bleep it. NEXT TIME I'M GOING OVERBOARD AND LEAVING YOU TO BECOME SO MUCH smiley - bleeping SPLATTERING GHASTLYNESS!! And furthermore BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM!!!!!!!!!"

The Plank

Post 175

Demosthenes (Irrefutable FooFighter, Fire loving Pyro, and general Psycopath. "I dun descriminate. I hate everyone eaqually.")

*chucks the priceless diamond encrusted knife overboard, and limps off to the first aid station.*

The Plank

Post 176

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*tuc having been distracted by the female pirate chase (most of them are wearing barely nothing) has let the plank slip from his grasp*

The Plank

Post 177

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

what's this then, mr. fortuneswell? streaking and trying to steal timber at the same time, are we? smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

The Plank

Post 178

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

well erm

Floh made me do it

*picks up the plank and makes a quick exit*

The Plank

Post 179

Floh Fortuneswell

Oh yes, of, course, it's always poor little Floh's fault.

The Plank

Post 180

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*he hopes floh understands but no-one must fnd out about the mission*

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