A Conversation for Liberation from Sequiturs

Only doing this because

Post 61

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

I have one hell of a nasty temper. smiley - bigeyes I never used it before today, so I didn't know. I used it on two of my best friends... smiley - erm That isn't how these things are meant to be done, I'm quite sure.

At least I did it via email. That would be the bright side. It's so bright it makes me smiley - blue.

I startled me. smiley - yikes

Another Learning Experience. How nice. smiley - sadface

Only doing this because

Post 62

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Let the recurd show that I was here and I said I am Pat and I am 4 and Im a pertecter of kids that are less then 6 years old and I am as real as anybdy elce in this virchal place. Maby realer. Some of em use more then 1 name so that names only haf a persin.

If peple dont wana bileve in me thats ok. I dont hafta bileve in you eethur.

Pat whos the litles pertcter and is four years old and I dont care wat peples want to think cos of I no Im a real child not pritend.

Only doing this because

Post 63

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I brought stuff to make burritos to work for lunch today. The tortillas dried out in the fridge, and fell apart when I tried to fold them. I had no salsa. I had to scrounge for soda change, because the machine wouldn't take my dollar. And yet, this was the best moment of my day at work. This has left me with two life-altering conclusions:

My girlfriend makes good burritos.

I need a new job.

Only doing this because

Post 64

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Well Colonel, let me add to your joy by letting me tell you how impressed I have been by your defense of Arpeggio. smiley - ok

Only doing this because

Post 65

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

They let me. smiley - alienfrown

Only doing this because

Post 66

Martin Harper

... it's easier than trying to find a job.

Only doing this because

Post 67

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - sleepy four people over the age of 14 should not travel in a motorhome built for three.

Only doing this because

Post 68

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

it's more fun than lying on broken glass while being kicked to a bloody pulp by fascists in steel-tipped boots.

Only doing this because

Post 69

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

The bXXXXst XXoXXXXs Xt the XXXXnt are the fact that bXXh XXXk and XXXa are XXXpleXX XXXXXs, one beXXXXX XX's a XXXe-tXX-XXighX XXeazX XoXXXXXian, XXX Xhe XXXer XXXXXse XhX's XXmply XXffXXXng XXXm XXXe sXrt of pXrXXXlXXy XXsXXXXr, which renXXXX hXX uXXXt for thXX or anX XXher XXb (XXd help hXX oXXXpXXXg). XX thXX XXuld Xake theXX XXXXs, XnseXt thXX in tXXXX XXctXXX, (XXXX'XX XXch big XXXXoles, tXXXe XXX't be any tXXuXXe gXXXXXg the rXXXXXoks in pXXt tXXXr XXXXs) and go away, thXX XXuld be a XXXXly XXjoXXXle and inXXXesXXXg wXXXXXe. As it is, thXX and tXXXX fXXXkXXs aXX just mXXXfXXXXrXXg a XXsfuXXXiXXXl and dXXentXX fXXXXy aXXX from XXme, and XX'd aXXXXt XXXher eaX a bulXXt. TXX XXXXle, hXXXvXr, XXX XXstly vXXy deXXnt, thXXgh XXXre XXe tXXXe XhX rXXXly XXXuld XXver haXX waXXed theXX pXXXntX' gXXm cXXls aXX if that fuXXXng XXwisX XXerXXan PXXnceXX doXX XXt XXut hXX ovXXXorXXd faXX and XXXn, soXXXne is goiXX to XXXe to dXXXXXowXX her. XXe and XXXt inXXXt XXXm XXll, XXayXXy XXXorXXX, and XXX tXXX XerveXX who XXXted on oXX XXXe, XXe oXXXwhXXXiXXXy oXXXxXXXs. BXXXcXXXy, tXXX juXX fucXXX XXcks aXX wX hXXe the XXXtXXs XXXe a lot of fun iXXlXXXXtXXX rules against XXXXXs, beXXXXe that XXXXs to be thXXX XXXX aXXXXpXXsXXXnt.

Now you know. Kurtis, for LeKZ

Only doing this because

Post 70

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - erm welcome back?

Only doing this because

Post 71

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

It's amazing how many people start talking when you yell GO AWAY!


Only doing this because

Post 72

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

oh bother. text doesn't WRAP? what a pain. own stupid fault. never mind.smiley - doh

Only doing this because

Post 73

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Eight posts to get off this page. Seven now. Someone else take over. There's a thunderstorm here.

Only doing this because

Post 74


Sure, let me help...

That's better, much cleaner now...

Only doing this because

Post 75

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - erm

smiley - hug peta...

Only doing this because

Post 76


Do you realy regard that as an adult way to behave?
If so, no wonder researchers are leaving in droves.
I wonder how long it will be before the bbc complains about it smiley - tongueout

Only doing this because

Post 77

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Peta is doing her job.
I am shocked and appauled by Arpeggio's behaviour.

smiley - hugPeta.

Only doing this because

Post 78


Um, Xyroth. I was actually referring to the fact that I'd sorted out post 71. The continuous lines of XXX's didn't wrap, and they made the forum go to about 2 feet wide. I edited the post and put in a few line breaks which made the post wrap, which was just what Arpeggio *asked* me to do in this posting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F63567?thread=127518 Hence, 'that's better, much cleaner'. I was just being helpful, as requested.

Only doing this because

Post 79


fair enough, but in light of the way that she was chucked off, it read as "you posted something someone translated into something I don't like, so I got rid of you", which definately would not be you "doing your job".

As regards the posts wrapping, this has been a persistant problem for months, and are there any plans in the next code revision to fix this once and for all?

ps I too think that the "translation" of lekz post is hatefull, (smiley - hug's peta), but I don't actually see that translation in the original XXXX post. Is there any way that we can have a page which details the steps used to produce the translation, so that we can critique the methodology for wishfull thinking and bad design?

Only doing this because

Post 80


Good grief!
How much time did this anonymous person waste trying to 'translate' that post, for goodness sake smiley - huh

smiley - cappuccinosmiley - cat

(whose dyslexia means she has to translate ALL the posts, and couldn't see aught wrang wi' dat)

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