A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The Grand Hall

Post 61

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

*hesitates, has a dark foreboding*

The Grand Hall

Post 62

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459


*puts her arms tenderly around the smiley - vampire and nibbles his ear*

What is wrong my love, what has you so wrapped in worry.

The Grand Hall

Post 63

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

I sensed a bit of hesitation in you, dear - you're not having second thoughts, are you?

Look, you're more than just another pretty face to me, you've got the brains as well as the look - are you with me or not?

The Grand Hall

Post 64

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Second thoughts! smiley - biggrin No way! Of course I'm with you my love. Just know this...I'll not be tricked by anyone, I never go back on my word and as you have me cast in your spell so have I cast my spell on you. We go forward to do or die. Mind you, I have no intention of dying so let's do it. smiley - kiss

The Grand Hall

Post 65

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

*boldly they step up to the throne, but just when they sit down on it...*

*...they turn into Tristan and Isolde*


*looks at Isolde*

Oh no! How did this happen?

The Grand Hall

Post 66

Mysterious Stranger


Got any potion for this?

The Grand Hall

Post 67


[Morgan La Fey]

(Sweeps down the stairs and marches to the throne, bony finger pointing at the two usurpers)

What game is this? (She demands) You stupid silly children. I'll give you potions. Ha! Will I give you potions..Potions to die for, come with me!

(Grabs each by an ear and starts to lead them out of the Hall)

The Grand Hall

Post 68

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)


*Cleans fireplace area.*

The Grand Hall

Post 69

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459


Drat, you pesky old hag. Don't you point your bony finger at us! And remove your hands from our persons.

*slyly reaches into pocket and brings out a vial*

smiley - biggrin

*whispers to Tristan*

The same powder that froze the others will turn this old woman into a monument to stupidity!

*empties the vial over Morgan*

The Grand Hall

Post 70

Mysterious Stranger


*watching Morgan freezing in the middle of a movement, just like the others*

*wriggles to get his ear out of the grip*

Isolde - oh heck, you know what/who I mean - how do we get out of this trouble? I seem to have lost all my smiley - vampire and smiley - bat powers when turning into this sorrowful Tristan character.. *grinding teeth*

The Grand Hall

Post 71

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - hug Here beloved *reaches once again in her bottomless pocket* drink this.

smiley - magic *Tristan turns back into the smiley - vampire, all his powers restored and enhanced*

*drinks a potion and is the witch once again*

Let's move carefully now my love, my potions are almost finished. Of course we could visit Merlin's spot and steal more if necessary!

The Grand Hall

Post 72


*as <vampire. and ,witch. dissapear out of the Hall, a large roudy group of Knights enter to the accompaniment of music*

We're the Knights of the Round Table,
We dance when ever we're able...Hold on!
*all stop*
[Knight #1]
What ailes these people?

[Knight #2]
And why is our King sitting on the floor with his legs in the air as if he was frozen and had been revoved from his throne?

[Knight #3]
I suspect evil works. Summon Merlin!

[Knights in unison]
yes, Summon Merlin.

*puff of smoke, Merlin appears*
Oh cobblers, not again. *swiftly draws out an object from the folds of his robe, incants a spell and casts it over the hall. Everyone becomes unfrozen, resulting in quite a number of people collapsing, since many were in mid step previously*
Right, I'm a busy man, you know, I can't be dealing with 5 of these episodes a day. Don't let it happen again!
*dissapears in a puff of smoke*

*lots of dazed and confused peope mill around*

The Grand Hall

Post 73


Meanwhile in an alcove of the Grand Hall, a young lady and a young squire:

[Young lady]
*teaching young squire the newest dance steps*
And then back, forward! Back - back I said - Lets go over it again.

[Young squire]
*starts crying*
I'll never get this right!

The Grand Hall

Post 74

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)


*Continues sweeping out fireplace area. Finds a vial and pockets it.*

The Grand Hall

Post 75

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)


Psst ...changeling.
I'm in. Where do we head now?

The Grand Hall

Post 76

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

[changeling, now as fairy]

Um... kitchen should be... that way! *smiley - run, dragging Wolpertinger along*

The Grand Hall

Post 77

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F68913?thread=116386

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