A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)

The Grand Hall

Post 41


The King enters
My friends, the subjects of our kingdom are awaiting my advice.
[Chief Guard - calling]
// Leave room for King Arthur. Leave room for his people. //

*The nobles move down to the east side of the Hall - seating has been prepared for them - well sheilded away from the poor.*

The Grand Hall

Post 42


[The yellow pages]

Silence, silence for the King!

(Try also: Rulers, Despots, Regal Personages)

The Grand Hall

Post 43


*3 scruffy commoners shamble forwards*
[1st scruffy commoner]
*starts waving hands around in an excited fashion*

[2nd scruffy commoner]
*nods head vigorously, looking from 1st SC to King and back again*

[3rd scruffy commoner]
My liege, these two people are the Silents you asked for, the first one gesticulating wildly asks for help on a quest of unimaginable proportions, the second is nodding his agreement. They are both deaf mutes and I am their sign language interpreter
*smiles gapilly* smiley - winkeye

The Grand Hall

Post 44

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459


*reaches into pocket for a small bottle*

Here my smiley - vampire, this dust when released will have an amazing effect on all these fools, including dear ol' Arthur. smiley - laugh

The Grand Hall

Post 45


[Yellow Pages] (in unison)

Silence please! Silence for the Silents. The silents speak!

(see also: Scruffy commoners, yokels, peasants)

The Grand Hall

Post 46

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

*takes bottle from witch...*

Thank you, dear!smiley - smooch

*unplugs it and pours out the dust, spread by dozens of smiley - bats suddenly turning up, flapping their wings*

*the effect is amazing - everyone who hasn't had a drink of the red potion freezes in the middle of motion, stiff like cardboard*

The Grand Hall

Post 47


[Lady of Shalott]

*wanders in and sees what's happened.*

Oh, change of plan.

Ah, wise woman (and smiley - vampire)I was wondering if I might have a word in your shell-like. I have a proposition for you.

The Grand Hall

Post 48

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - witch
*looks around at everyone*

smiley - cool

A proposition milady?

The Grand Hall

Post 49

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

Talk, and we will listen!

*starts gathering stiff smiley - bats from the floor*

The Grand Hall

Post 50

Mysterious Stranger

[Mysterious Stranger]

*steps into the hall with his lover asleep in his arms*

*looks around with a strange feeling of déjà vú*

*hastily retreats up stairs*

The Grand Hall

Post 51


[Lady of Shalott]

Yes, wise woman and smiley - vampire. You see, I've just finished a bad relationship and it's made me realise that I no longer want to be a one dimensional stereotype and I think that you are just the woman to help me on my voyage of self-discovery to find my true, independent self. What I was thinking is a kind of Medea, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, scenario, with poisoned clothing to boot. I implore you to help me. I'm not talking full blown, hideous death stuff, but maybe a piece of armour that looks fantastic but renders the wearer hairless. Please, name your price, I'll do anything I can to help you in return.

The Grand Hall

Post 52

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

*stirs sleepily*

Where are we going love?

The Grand Hall

Post 53


[Lady of Shalott]

I'll do anything if you'll help me. Here, to show you I am serious, take my supply of holy hair conditioner.

*Hands golden bottle to witch*

The Grand Hall

Post 54

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

One moment my smiley - vampire I see an opportunity here.

*runs quickly down the stairs*

Milady, keep your hair conditioner!

*sprinkles a little blue dust over the Lady of Shallot*

*takes a small vial from her pocket*

I have no magic armour but take this milady. Pour some over a piece of clothing or armour and the wearer shall become hairless. The dust I sprinkled over you will ensure that should I or my smiley - vampire need your assistance you shall be powerless to refuse us your help, and should you ever attempt to turn against us in any way you shall immediately become a shrivelled up, hairless and toothless old hag with no need for hair conditioners and vanity. Go now!

*runs back up the stairs to her waiting lover*

The Grand Hall

Post 55

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

[Sir John Doe]

Who am I?

The Grand Hall

Post 56


[Lady of Shallot]

*Leaves with vial*

The Grand Hall

Post 57

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

[SIr john Doe]

who was that?!?!

The Grand Hall

Post 58

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

Who was what?

*stuffs stiff smiley - bats into sack, takes the hand of witch lover*

Now what? Do you think king Arthur's throne carries the royal magic? What would happen if we lifted him off and sat down on it ourselves?

The Grand Hall

Post 59

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

smiley - biggrin

Oh do let's try it my love. You will most certainly look very royal on the throne. smiley - smooch

The Grand Hall

Post 60

Mysterious Stranger

[smiley - vampire]

*together they approach the royal throne*

*together they move king Arthur* - gently now, no bruises...

*together they step up the few stairs to the throne and prepare to sit down...*

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