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Ok. Here goes.

I have now returned from an extensive (three month) lunch break, and now find myself in a position as a second year Maths student at Warwick University, England. I am sharing a house in Royal Leamington Spa with four others, with the rest of the guys and gals that were on our floor (in halls) last year living within a couple of minutes.

I was born in Birmingham, on 27/11/80. Now that you all know my birthday, there's no excuse for not sending me a birthday e-card/e-mail!!!

I enjoy making music of all sorts, although I currently only play for the University of Warwick Brass Band. (I play Flugelhorn and Trumpet, though not both at the same time). Our most recent awards are a banner and trophy from the Area Championships, where we won the third section. This put us into the National Finals, at the Royal Albert Hall, where we came 9th out of 16.

As well as being a huge h2g2 fan, I am also a big Discworld fan (see lower down). I also really enjoy Isaac Asimov's Books, especially the shorter works - I have so far found his epics a little too heavy going. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get round to reading the whole lot at some point.

Have you seen any of the prints by M.C.Escher? Personally, I love 'em, but some people just can't seem to get their head round them all.
I currently have three poster of his work on my bedroom walls - 'Ascending and Descending', 'Relativity' and 'Waterfall'. I have spent hours doodling away in lectures, ending up with something that could look like one of the basic ideas that Escher used in his prints.

I also play in another band. A christian band, run as part of the Birmingham Battalion of The Boy's Brigade. The band is called b5+. It started out almost two years ago as just 'b5', which stood for Birmingham Battalion Boy's Brigade Band', but the name has evolved.

Further proof that I must be completely mad - I have done two (tandem) skydives for charity. Basically, on a tandem jump, you are strapped onto the front of an experienced instructor, who actually does most of the work. In effect, you are just there for the ride! This also means you need less training - about 20 minutes!!

The first jump, which I did on 14/07/97 was for Cancer Research. I jumped from 13,000 ft, with only a (small) piece of canvas and a few strings to stop me from splattering all over the ground. After exiting from the plane we did a couple of somersaults, then a few turns around, so that we could take in the view. I can only say it was absolutely incredible!!!

The second jump, which I undertook on 05/12/98 was for The Winged Fellowship Trust. This time I jumped from 12,000 ft. I can tell you that it gets bloody cold at that sort of altitude in the winter! Add in a high windchill factor (you reach about 120mph), and you find yourself freezing pretty soon. I think it was about -20 degrees!!

If you are mad enough to want to try sky-diving for yourself, you could try starting here, or the web site for Hinton SkyDiving Centre, where I did my 2nd jump.

For all those with a mental age of about seven, this is a great site for re-living all those childhood TV moments. It's got loads of sound clips from the theme tunes. This
has links to the main pages for loads of kids TV programmes, from 'The Clangers' to 'Bagpuss', 'Henry's Cat' to 'Mr Benn'. Enjoy!

For anyone who has been living under a rock for any length of time, or just hasn't seen the adverts in the back of the 'Hitch Hiker' books, there is an official fan club. It takes it's name from the galactic sector that Earth is in, ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha. The site is well worth a look, and even has a download of the application form for the club.

Why not send me an e-mail (hint, hint) or find out who's online?

Volunteer Groups

Aces Scouts

Discworld Stuff

Under construction...

For some of Paul Kidby's Discworld artwork, go here.
I hope to put links to each individual piece. But until then...

A few great places to see

The GuideML Clinic Check it out if you're a little stuck with writing your pages

The H2G2 Post Curious? Find out for yourself...

The James Bond Movie The title says it all!

The menu for Joanna's wonderful donut stall. You can also order your donuts from here!

The Mt. Sandcastle Lost Property Office

A silly game

A list of unwritten Guide Entries

A list of Guide Entries that need rewriting

The Quick Reference Guide

The ACE's homepage.

A list of new users.

A few great people to chat with Joanna who runs the donut stall

Eomando who helps Jo with the donuts

Demon Drawer


Dancing Ermine

Bluebottle, who has kindly allowed me the use of his smilies.

The Jester

Menza, who I also have to thank for smilies.


TechnicolorYawn (It's probably safer not to ask...)


Greebo the Cat

Dippy Cow A friend of mine who I'm trying to persuade to actually put something on her homepage...

Mr.Cynic ÅC? Who helped me knock a few bugs out of this page.

Leanne One of my best friends here!

This smiley by BlueBottleMy apologies to anyone who feels they or their site should have been listed here. Why not tell me, and I'll put a link on when I next update this page?

Yes! You've just been counted!
by bcentral

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