The Ministry of Cartoon Awareness- directory. Work in Progress

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There's nothing funny about cartoon awareness, it's a serious job with important duties. However, I can't possibly know about every kind of cartoon on the planet, so I've compliled a directory of works in the guide which cover most types of cartoon.

The definition I suggested to President Peregrin of a cartoon is: 'a series of 2-d pictures telling a story or joke.'. He hasn't replied yet, so I don't know if he approves, but that's the definition we'll use for now.

It's difficult for me to find every cartoon entry in the guide, and I'll be constantly adding to this list anyway. If you think I've missed one tell me and I'll take a look at it, and maybe add it in.

The list so far

Anime and Manga

Comic Strips

Animated Cartoons

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