
2 Conversations

Garfield is a large orange tabby cat. His appetitie is rivaled only by that of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. Garfield sleeps almost constanly when he is not eating. Hobbies for Garfield are as follows:

1 Eating and Sleeping (don't ask him to choose between the two)
2 Sleeping and Eating
3 Punting Odie off of things
4 Punting Odie onto things
5 Devouring the postman
6 Making life difficult for his person Jon
7 Sleeping and Eating

Garfield is the ULTIMATE cat. He loves food but most of all lasagne or any other Italian food. Garfield will NOT chase or eat mice. The only three things Garfield will chase are:

1 A lasagne
2 The postman
3 Odie

A good place to learn more about the Ultimate Feline is

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