A Conversation for The Ministry of Cartoon Awareness- directory. Work in Progress

re: cartoon directory

Post 1

Kipper The Anime Nut

I have just come across this, and it looks like a good start. referencing all the cartoon articles will be a pretty big task, i think! May I gently prod you in the direction of my article A532090 which is a review of a favourite Japanese anime of mine.

Thanks, and good luck,


re: cartoon directory

Post 2

Researcher 168963

Oooh, I forgot to subscribe to this converstaion, so I didn't see that you'd writted here. You article has been included, and might I say it's very nice, although I know S.A. about anime.

re: cartoon directory

Post 3

Kipper The Anime Nut

thanks for adding my article to your directory - I have just been informed it has been accepted for Edited status, which is rather a nice surprise.
I'll let you know when i write another anime-related article. There are still a couple of other anime review articles written by other people on h2g2, if you search for the word 'anime'.

Thanks again,

Kipper ^_^

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