Orcus' ACE page
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002

My list of interesting and useful places to go at h2g2
The nice people (and the bosses of us ACEs ) that coordinate h2g2's community actvities are Peta and Abi. H2G2 has many varied and interesting places to visit including pubs, cafes, kingdoms and even occasional real life meet ups. To see a big list of these visit the talk page.
Feeling lost and alone in this huge website? I know I did when I first came here. Well why not go and find someone else new, you might make a new friend and you can explore together and tell each other about the new places you've found.
Want to know something or have info to give others or just want to post something silly? Well why not go to ask the h2g2 community?
Along with the ACEs another helpful bunch on h2g2 are the guardian angels. You can request a guardian angel for yourself here and even volunteer to be one if you like them enough.
The home of many on h2g2 who consider themselves artists is h2g2's Musehome. Have a look and volunteer for a museship in your specialist area.
Many regular users of h2g2 have claimed keeper titles and they help to keep the place neat and tidy . Claim your own keeper title here.
Writing for the Guide
See what new entries are going into the guide and stick your oar in on peer review. This will give you a good idea of what to expect if you ever wish to write your own article for the edited guide.
If you want to start writing a guide entry then visit either the collaborative writing workshop or the writing workshop to see what sort of stuff you need to do. There is also a place for fictional, amusing or other material not suitable for the edited guide but still well worth a read, this is called the alternative writing workshop.
Whilst it is allowed to write your entries in pain text - you don't need to be too computer techy to be here (I know I'm not) it is encouraged to write your entries using the mark up langage of the guide guideML. To start off learning it - and the approved guideML is pretty easy to learn - visit the GuideML clinic.
This will also help to jazz up your homepage in which you are allowed to use GuideML not approved for guide entries. You too could have the little animations, pull down menus and use h2g2's extensive list of smileys. H2G2 also has a pretty big list of pictures - visit the picture library for the list and also the guideML code for inserting them into your page. To see the guideML other people have used to create their homepages just replace the U in their URL with testuserpage, for example, to see mine click here.
Miscellaneous Places to Go
The most frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be seen at the don't panic page.
Finally, if you have any complaints or just want info on specific aspects of H2G2 then two places you can go are the feedback page and also the moderation helpdesk.
And Finally
Don't panic! H2G2 is a fun and friendly place. Good Luck