A Conversation for Orcus' ACE page

howdy, stranger!

Post 1

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Recently, I proposed a topic for investigation over at the 'University of Life' project. It's about that well-beaten horse, F&M and BSE and the danger of concentrating our resources into producing large amounts of only a few different kinds of food. You had some intelligent commentary in the Salamander's FMD diary, and I'd love to hear what you have to say.

I think this should take you where you want to go...

But it's under the University of Life header with the rather pompous title: The Danger of Monoculturism in Large Societies (which isn't even accurate - maybe it should be monocultivation.)

Later -

howdy, stranger!

Post 2


Hi, I'll pop over and have a wee look.

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