A Conversation for Orcus' ACE page
Is anyone there? this is a good conversation!
Ultimate_scie Started conversation Jul 6, 2007
Hello my name is Ultimate_sci aka: Ultimate science geek
I have noticed that many people don't seem to reply to me converations when i reply to theirs so i thought that i would starts my own converation. In my conversation you can talk about anything from :books, dinosaurs or even grass (anything!) reply back to my conversation.
Is anyone there? this is a good conversation!
Wand'rin star Posted Jul 6, 2007
Somebody will reply eventually, but this isn't like other sites where everyone is on-line and you get instant feedback. Keep trying and keep contributing to on-going threads. Best wishes
Is anyone there? this is a good conversation!
Orcus Posted Jul 6, 2007
Well you've gone and posted to a page of mine. And one I'd forgotted existed!
I suppose one could call me an ultimate science since it's what I do for a living and you have to be very into it for that.
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Is anyone there? this is a good conversation!
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