A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Started conversation May 6, 2001
Seems a bit pointless to me really. My last exam is on the 29th of May...
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 6, 2001
At least there's a chance the weather will be good. I assume we'll be outside somewhere?
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 7, 2001
Ime glad its in july becuse I wont have any where near enough money untill then (and unless I fond somwhere chep to stay I still might not)
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 7, 2001
Sorry, can't help there... I'm hoping I'll be able to justify another weekend in London in June, but I'm not sure I can, not and go to the h2g2 meet as well - which is of course the most important part!
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 7, 2001
definatly...and I have started taking on doubble sifts now so I may just about be able to afford it and say out of det
oh the fun of student life
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 8, 2001
Mmm... thank fate for railcards free with bank accounts.
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 8, 2001
wich ones??I diddent get that??and I need to change my banck because the one I have is tryen to get my money off me!
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 8, 2001
HSBC do it under certain special circumstances involving being a new undergraduate, applying before a certain date and blahdiblahdiblah...
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 8, 2001
crap Ime proberly out of timew then. loyds TSB donot incadently stop you getting overdrwn on cards even when you tell them that you want one that only lets you take mony out that you actully have..I lernt that the hard way
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 8, 2001
Well of course they don't - they're trying to be nice to you so that you bank with them when you're a graduate earning ridiculously large amounts of money and wanting an even more ridiculous mortgage to buy a house three hours' train journey from London.
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 8, 2001
but thats the point..they let me get overdrawn even when I spacifically told them not to..I managed to rake up dets of £250=intrest I wasnt impressed
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
MaW Posted May 8, 2001
Did you ever know a bank that listened to you when you told them to do something?
Oh, so that's why it's in July...
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted May 8, 2001
Nat west..but they did not have as goodan intrst rate on the savings part,and it was a whole pckadge with TSB harlf in each??
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Oh, so that's why it's in July...
- 1: MaW (May 6, 2001)
- 2: Shea the Sarcastic (May 6, 2001)
- 3: MaW (May 6, 2001)
- 4: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 7, 2001)
- 5: MaW (May 7, 2001)
- 6: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 7, 2001)
- 7: MaW (May 8, 2001)
- 8: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 8, 2001)
- 9: MaW (May 8, 2001)
- 10: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 8, 2001)
- 11: MaW (May 8, 2001)
- 12: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 8, 2001)
- 13: MaW (May 8, 2001)
- 14: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (May 8, 2001)
- 15: Chris Tonks (May 13, 2001)
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