A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Questions Only II

Post 1801

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Do I need a ticket, if I'm not here? smiley - biggrin

Questions Only II

Post 1802

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

If you're not here, can I drink your complementary smiley - bubbly served in the dining car?

Questions Only II

Post 1803

Lady Scott

Do you even need to ask?

Questions Only II

Post 1804

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Lady Scott, care to be escorted by myself to the club car for refreshments?

Questions Only II

Post 1805

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

There IS complimentary smiley - bubbly <?>

Questions Only II

Post 1806

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Shouldn't there be, as these train tickets are smiley - bleepin expensive?

Questions Only II

Post 1807


Do they cost more then a packet of raisens?

Questions Only II

Post 1808

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Is that the normal cost of a packet of raisins, or the cost of a packet of raisins on a train?

Questions Only II

Post 1809


Doesn't that depend on how close the speed of the train is to the speed of light - given that the price of raisens is all relative, as Einstein showed in a lesser known but hugely important theory?

Questions Only II

Post 1810


Does light travel more slowly when it is smiley - drunk<?>

Questions Only II

Post 1811


Perhaps, but can it travel in a straight line, and does it go for a kebab afterwards?

Questions Only II

Post 1812

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

How can light get drunk?

On light beer?

Why are you hitting me?

Questions Only II

Post 1813


I can't decide - is it because of your hat or your shoes?

Questions Only II

Post 1814

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

What's wrong with my hat?

What's wrong with my shoes?

Is it instead the hat-shoe combination that is displeasing?

Questions Only II

Post 1815


Well, can you think of anywhere where the combination of a pair of diving flippers and a replica moose head with "I ate the sixteen pounder at Dave's Quebec Truck stop" written across it would be considered pleasing?

Questions Only II

Post 1816

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Am I not wearing my ususual tricorn?
Am I not wearing my ususual deerskin boots?
Are you accedentally looking in the mirror?

Questions Only II

Post 1817


How could I be?
In the first place, may I draw your attention to the discreet notice that says "There are absolutely no mirrors anywhere on this train"?
And, secondly, the veracity of mirrors on a train moving through space at the speed of light is questionable at best, don't you think?
Care for a raisen?

Questions Only II

Post 1818

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Do I have a raisin to care?

Did you know that "raisin" in the French word for "grape", and that the French equivilant to the English "raisin" translates into "old grape"?

Questions Only II

Post 1819

Existential Elevator

Isn't that a particularly interesting peice of totally useless information<?>

Following that logic, is the french for wine 'very old grape'<?>

Questions Only II

Post 1820

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Don't you realize that "wine" means "vine", and "vintage" means "the age of the wine"?

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Questions Only II

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