A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Jan 18, 2007
A limerick should be just so:
Long-long-short-short-long lines in a row.
The metre and rhyme
You will conquer in time
If you try, so go on! Have a go!
Each post a limerick
freshlybakedbread Posted Jan 18, 2007
Thank you for your reply.
I think my son writes limericks.
He was born in England, while I was born in Belarus.
I wonder if Nabokov could write limericks?
However, he had an English au pair when he was little. from FBB
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Jan 18, 2007
Nabokov could certainly write!
His 'Pale Fire' I'm reading tonight.
An English professor
Gets murdered; a messer
Then hijacks his poem . . . delight!
Each post a limerick
freshlybakedbread Posted Jan 19, 2007
Your limerick is good, Recumbentman!
I don't think I can write one...
But here it is a poem by my 8 year old son Dmitri--
Carrots are oranges and healthy,
To afford them you don't need to be wealthy,
They help you to see with your eyes,
So that you don't eat so many pies.
Written by Dmitri for Food MB
Each post a limerick
YOGABIKER Posted Jan 19, 2007
The first, second, and fifth have to rhyme
Eight to ten syllables every time
The fourth and the third
About five, take my word
And THEY rhyme, that makes it sublime
(Give it a try)
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Aug 22, 2007
Seven months is a long time to languish
In limerickless limbo; the anguish
Of verse-deprivation
Needs rectification
So here is another word-sangwidge.
Each post a limerick
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Aug 22, 2007
Good gosh, has it really been seven?
Since the limerick-bread ceased to be leaven?
No wonder my rhymes
Are such terrible crimes
And I've fallen from grace and that heaven.
For practice is surely what's needed,
Once brains have been properly seeded,
So Shirley our minds
And our comedic finds,
Will get better even if we can't find a rhyme for the last line.
I mean-
*To our children will come be deeded.*
Each post a limerick
YOGABIKER Posted Aug 22, 2007
What a pleasant suprise to see you
Has there been an escape from the zoo?
As for me, I've been near
Somewhere far from here
Looking for something boring to do
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Aug 23, 2007
My input to heaven (or hell?)
For quite a considerable spell
I've been mainly directing
To OEDILF* -- defecting
At last, I have said my farewell
Each post a limerick
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Aug 23, 2007
That site looks like far to much work,
'Though running it looks like a perk,
Describing in rhyme
Every gosh darn time
And nary a swear word doth lurk.
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Aug 23, 2007
The swear words are in there for certain;
They don't want the danger of flirtin'
With nine-year-old boys
Getting caught at their joys--
You have to disable the curtain.
[An option at the top of the screen]
Each post a limerick
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Aug 26, 2007
First walked by a rabbit, loose
Bye and bye there walked a goose
Then a deer,
Then a steer,
You might have guessed, anon a moose.
So thus, anonymously posted
This zoomer will not be here roasted
For who am I
I'm but a fly
Upon the wall the Beeb has hosted.
Each post a limerick
KB Posted Nov 19, 2007
On a site that was lacking our morals
Such a thread would be sure to cause quarrels
but here it's been dead
Since August instead
Because everyone rests on their laurels.
Each post a limerick
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Posted Nov 20, 2007
It's not on our laurels we rest
It's just that some are not up to the test
We post now and then
It's hard to know when.
So continue ... go on ... be our guest
Each post a limerick
Recumbentman Posted Nov 20, 2007
The fighting in Oedilf still rages,
And 'workshops' fill dozens of pages;
They raise such a clamour
On matters of grammar,
I'm not going back there for ages.
Each post a limerick
YOGABIKER Posted Nov 25, 2007
It's dark and it's late and I'm blue
It's not that I know not what to do
It's just that, you know
I don't want to go
To bed, but I fear, I have to.
Each post a limerick
YOGABIKER Posted Dec 28, 2007
Movers and shakers adore
Old and young all clamber for more
Nobody, I gather
Existing would rather
Yield wealth for the chance to be poor
Each post a limerick
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jan 12, 2008
Well it's been quite a while for me
No postings since two thousand and three
I'd like to say
That I practised each day
But I think it's obvious I still need to work on my scanning ability.
Each post a limerick
YOGABIKER Posted Jan 13, 2008
This can be a fun little thread
Though lately it's been kind of dead
Still, if we will write
And, of course, keep it light
Some may think to follow where we've led
Key: Complain about this post
Each post a limerick
- 2081: freshlybakedbread (Jan 18, 2007)
- 2082: Recumbentman (Jan 18, 2007)
- 2083: freshlybakedbread (Jan 18, 2007)
- 2084: Recumbentman (Jan 18, 2007)
- 2085: freshlybakedbread (Jan 19, 2007)
- 2086: YOGABIKER (Jan 19, 2007)
- 2087: Recumbentman (Aug 22, 2007)
- 2088: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Aug 22, 2007)
- 2089: YOGABIKER (Aug 22, 2007)
- 2090: Recumbentman (Aug 23, 2007)
- 2091: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Aug 23, 2007)
- 2092: Recumbentman (Aug 23, 2007)
- 2093: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Aug 26, 2007)
- 2094: KB (Nov 19, 2007)
- 2095: Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... (Nov 20, 2007)
- 2096: Recumbentman (Nov 20, 2007)
- 2097: YOGABIKER (Nov 25, 2007)
- 2098: YOGABIKER (Dec 28, 2007)
- 2099: McKay The Disorganised (Jan 12, 2008)
- 2100: YOGABIKER (Jan 13, 2008)
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